Compact Fluorescents vs Metal Halides?

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May 9, 2009
Alright so I have found 2 deals on lights for my 72 gallon bowfront tank, both with the same amount of wattage. The fluorescents are cheaper by a longshot though....

so what are the pros and cons of each?

What fluorescent lights are you looking at? T5?

T5 or MH are your only options with clams, most require high light and depending on how deep your tank is you may have to go MH.
What other fluorescent lights are there?

With Fluorescent lighting, you have choices of:
NO Normal Output
CF or PC Compact Fluorescent
VHO Very High Output
T5HO T5 refers to the smaller diameter and HO refers to High Output

The only lighting that will come close to comparing to MH lighting will be T5HO. MH and T5HO is all you'll be able to keep most SPS and any clam under.

If it's T5HO, make absolutely sure that it's a quality fixture, with quality ballasts AND that the reflectors are ICR (individually contoured reflectors) and NOT a flat parabolic reflector. ICR reflectors individually wrap around each bulb and are the secret to T5HO success.
I am pretty sure they are PC Compact Fluorescent....
so it would be better to go for the Metal Halides then I guess
I am pretty sure they are PC Compact Fluorescent....
so it would be better to go for the Metal Halides then I guess

YEP! That would be your choice. Don't let the price rule your purchases. You will find a lot of us have tried that practice at one time or another and you just end up wasting your money. Buying good quality and the proper equipment will save you TONS of headaches down the road.
Compact Fluorescent lighting is the lowest end lighting, AND becoming obsolete. In another year or so, you won't be able to buy

MH or T5HO will allow you to grow anything you want. T5HO will burn cooler, give you more color options and generally the bulbs will last a few months longer than MH. MH will penetrate a little deeper and give you a nice "shimmer effect," but run hotter, which can lead to heat issues in the tank.