Concerns with my 135 gal set up

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2011
Puyallup WA
In the process of setting up my 135 gal set up. I just purchased a house and I'm having second thoughts of putting my tank in my formal dining room due to my house having a small crawl space under it (2-3 Ft). My question is will this be too much weight on the floor and might cause further damage? If you could share some of your experiences or knowledge concerning this issue that would be great. It would really give me a piece of mind.
I have my 240 gallon tank in my dining room and I do have the same 2'-3' crawl space.

When you say " might cause further damage? " is there damage now?
I dont think a 135 is going to be too much weight. It will run approx 1700 lbs given you will have approx 150 lbs of rock and the weight of the tank and stand and 140 gals of water.
What are the dimensions of the tank. The more spread out the less lbs per sq inch, the better.
What direction are your floor joists running. I think if you can run the tank perpendicular to the joists, it is better than running parallel.

My 180 is running parallel to my floor joists so I had a couple 4x4's added perpendicular under those joists for added support. always better to be safe than sorry.
My 215 is parallel to my joist. I added 4x4 in 2 spots across the joists under the tank then ran 4x4 from those down to a couple concrete blocks on the ground.
yeah I don't think a 135 would be any problem at all. If your worried about it don't go parallel to joists. Then it will definitly be no problem.
Mfinn: I meant to say, would it cause damage to my floor. Thanks!
I will definitely won't for parallel with my joints, just need to crawl under my house and see. I like the idea of adding extra support on the bottom for that piece of mind. Once I finished painting my stand I will be posting up some pics of the progress I'm making. Thank you all who provided their input.
I just put up a 135 in my dining room area in December and my floor joists happen to run perpendicular to the orientation of the tank so I have approx. 3 joists supporting the tank. No problems with the weight. I also have about 20 gallons or so in my 40 gallon sump below the tank.
I just put up a 135 in my dining room area in December and my floor joists happen to run perpendicular to the orientation of the tank so I have approx. 3 joists supporting the tank. No problems with the weight. I also have about 20 gallons or so in my 40 gallon sump below the tank.

Yeah need to go up under my house and take a look, then make some support for the tank. Thank you.
I've had my 125 on the 4th floor of my apartment building for 5.5 years now. Just make sure it is next to a load bearing wall, and that the joists run perpendicular to the tank if you can(so the weight is spread over multiple joists rather then just one). If you are still nervous just fill it up slowly and check your floor to see if you are having any issues with floor deflection.
I've had my 125 on the 4th floor of my apartment building for 5.5 years now. Just make sure it is next to a load bearing wall, and that the joists run perpendicular to the tank if you can(so the weight is spread over multiple joists rather then just one). If you are still nervous just fill it up slowly and check your floor to see if you are having any issues with floor deflection.

That's a great idea! I'm looking to have about 80-90 pounds of sand and about 90-100 pounds of rock.