Considering a Neptune Apex controller...

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Active member
Jan 7, 2012
Redmond, WA

For those of you that have a controller, did you go the "lite" or "jr" models to start out, then end up enhancing it to the point that you should have just gotten the full size one to begin with? I am looking at the Neptune Apex line, and everytime I think that the "Jr" or "Lite" would suit me just fine now, I wonder if I'm just fooling myself and should get the standard one from the start. At the moment, my setup is going to be basic - lights, heater, skimmer, etc, but I imagine that will grow with time and experience. Anyone else been down this path care to share some advice?


I've owned several different brands and I too started with a LITE only to upgrade.

It really just depends on what you think you "might" want down the road. If you're a "keep it simple" kind of person then lite might be all that you need. If you're a die-hard control freak or you really like to tinker with every aspect you can then you may want to wait and save your money to go "All In".

I started with Lighthouse then went with Neptune and finally sold all my Neptune equipment to buy a ProfiLux. Just keep in mind there is no one controller that's ideal for everyone so invest your hard earned $$ wisely and don't settle if you want something more. Better to save a lil longer and get what you want or you'll always be saying, "I should have . . . "
all depends what u want to control. i went with a reefkeeper lite and a ph probe because its cheap and im only gonna use it to control a chiller, a few lights and to monitor PH. 189.99 at marinedepot.
I have an apex, and I got the full package right away. Would have to research the difference, but the light was missing things I wanted, and it was way more to buy them separately, if I remember correctly
I currently have a 29G tank with the old fashioned Jr. If I were to buy a new set up I would not buy anything less than the lite package. The Jr only has four outlets and eight is far superior. The elite is probably more than I need because Unless your going to run Ozone you dont need the orp probe. I also don't trust any Neptune or DA products to control my Ph on a Ca reactor so for me the second Ph probe is not a must.
Another thing to consider with your outlets is LED lighting. I am running a DIY unit with four dimmable channels. This will use four outlets on the controller right out of the gate.
Ahh, I was wondering how the LED dimmable worked. I knew if you didn't get the full Apex, you had to buy the VDM module, but my thought was that it was just the 0-10v ports that were needed. I didn't realize the power had to be plugged into the Apex outlets as well. So, if I understand what you are saying correctly, it is both wired to the 0-10v ports, as well as the Apex outlets in order to get the full LED dimming capability. Is that correct?
Hey Chad you are correct, they (drivers) still get thier power from EB-8's. I started with the Apex Lite then ended up having to add the VDM for LED's then the PM-1 for running Ozone so definitely in hind-sight should have just purchased the full Apex to begin with.

Cheers, Todd
I purchased the full Apex and have been very happy with it. Its fairly simple to program and have been able to control everything that I wanted plus the ability to fidget with stuff on an ongoing basis. Plus being able to check on the status of my tank from my phone/work is awsome. Finally my setup has the sump/refugium in the garage so having the ability to control it form my phone and not run inside to fidget with the display was an unkown but now must have feature for me.