Convict/engineer blenny, jawfish, and small tankmates

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Nov 14, 2005
Hi! I have a 90 gal reef and planning to upgrade to a 210 gal. I like small and medium sized fishes as weel as crustaceans. I am interested in keeping a trio of jawfish or convict blenny / engineer goby. I am hesitating and would like the opinion and most of all experiences of other people regarding compatibility.

1-Would these species represent a threath to small crustaceans (small sexy shrimps, cleaner shrimps, small porcelain crabs, etc.) and to clown goby (gobiodon histrio and citrinis: 1&1/2”)?
2-Is it really a problem to keep them with LPS corals and clams sitting on the DSB?
3-Does their digging disturb DSB’s NNR methodology?

Thanks a lot for your input !!!

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ricimer said:
1-Would these species represent a threath to small crustaceans (small sexy shrimps, cleaner shrimps, small porcelain crabs, etc.) and to clown goby (gobiodon histrio and citrinis: 1&1/2”)?
Not sure on the Thor shrimp but the others you mention should be just fine. I would however be sure these fish are added after the tank upgrade. The 90 is a wee bit small area wise for that many benthic fish to cohabitate with enough definable territory. The jawfish will remain solitary but the EG's will congregate.

2-Is it really a problem to keep them with LPS corals and clams sitting on the DSB?
It's a yes and no type thing. As long as they do not "settle" in the same vacinity as the corals/clams, it will be fine. If the do you will need to move the stationary animals. The jawfish will generally stay in one defined area but the engineers will tunnel relentlessly throughout the tank. They will generally inhabit one main area with a series of connecting tunnels. If you are able to keep the corals/clams away from the rock area 6" or so surrounding area of clear sand space, it will be less of a bother. The EG's will not dump sand far (1-2") from where they remove it and tend to pile it up in a confined area.

3-Does their digging disturb DSB’s NNR methodology?
Guaranteed. The jawfish may be less of a concern but the EG's will dig down to the glass bottom. They should not be housed in such a set up.

That was a complete awnser, thanks !
I guess I would sum it up to "EG no, jawfish yes". I plan to wait for the tank upgrade to add the trio of jawfish. Unless I decide to take a single specimen. I am thinking of a blue dot (Rosenblatti), but they are kind of rare.
What kind of set up would be ideal for EGs then?
And one other thing. Engineer gobies get pretty big. I had a pair that lived many years and got about a foot and a half. Very cool fish though, I am considering getting another pair.
I've had mine for about 4 years and they are about 9-10". The best set up for these guys is really a shallow sandbed and preferabley FOWLR (secured rock or placed on the glass/supported by PVC) or one that is not easily upset by their activity. In general they are not the greatest reef additions simpley because they disturb the stability too much. That is not written in stone though but with few exceptions.
