Convict Tang doesn't look so good.

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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2005
Palatine, IL

I just got a convict tang on Friday and he looked okay at the store but yesterday he didn't look so hot. He is skinny but not deathly skinny. He eats algae out of my fuge and spectrum pellets and picks at the LR i have in my QT tank but heres the part i worry about. His face or cheeks on either side of his face are like sunken in. Now i had a Powder Blue tang that had the same signs right before he diedbut, he had a secondary bacteria infection as well. I didn't recall seeing this at the store. It seems like it just started over the past couple of days. Should i worry about this? I mean after all he is eating and shows no other signs of disease or infection. Am i just paranoid or this the early stages of an oncoming death?
dood i don't know to much but if he's eating good and swimming around i wouldn't worry to much about it..... but then again i have kept a convict (that's so kewl you got one :D) .

i hope Steve or someone replys to you soon dood
Yeah thats how i looked at it too gabby. I don't know though. I too hope that steve or maybe even brenden will chime in. I know brendedn has kept one before so maybe he knows. If not then the fish dies and i will just get another one.

Just so that i can dodge this bullet in the future here are my levels.

Salt 1.021
ph 7.9
ni 0
na 0
ammo 0
phos 0.2
alk 7

i just tested the tank sunday morning. I did a water change before adding the convict to the 20 gallon. Three hours earlier to be exact.
When choosing a Tang, look for several criteria that can help you determine the general health of the fish. The body should be well rounded, and no areas around the head or stomach should appear shrunken. The fish should be eating and active. The coloration of a healthy Tang is normally bright and consistent. The fish should have successfully survived a week or two in captivity, and should not be too big or too small.

You purchased a fish in less than ideal conditions, undernourished... Feed it well and hope for the best. Vitamins will help, I like Chemi-pure. Soak it's nori and other foods in the suppliments.
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I think Mike's response to be the most valuable.

Don't buy a less-than-healthy fish.

All fish store energy for stressful times. When captured and transfered, they fall back on their stored energy during the stress of captivity. The fish described has depleted its energy reserves and living life on the edge. In such a condition, the fish is easy prey for parasites, microbes, bacteria, and even friendly bacteria the fish could normally fend off on its own.

Feed it the proper foods with supplements for both fat and vitamins, and hope for the best. The fish should be in quarantine so it doesn't start an outbreak of any disease in the display, AND to make it eat more.

Also, tangs in general prefer a higher pH. Target a pH of 7.3 to 7.4 for keeping Tangs 'happy.'

I hope the 20g you mention isn't the size of the display tank. :confused:

Good luck!
Thanks Mike. When will they invent a checker for stupidity?

I meant 8.3 to 8.4

I had the "7" in mind from the test results.
Lee, have never mentioned before, you are a huge asset to this site. Your knowlege is invaluable. Hope you find more time to post here. You have helped me on many occations and Im a big fan.
I second that nomination Mike! Both Lee and Steve are both such a HUGE asset to us here at Reef Frontiers, and I for one REALLY appreciate their time and attention!!! :D :D :D
Well, thanks for the appreciation! :) Always welcomed. I have a short bio if anyone is that interested! :eek2:

I want to spread as much truth and information as possible. In the hobby there is a flood of anecdotal information that leads many astray. Fish veterinarians are far and few between and when you might find one, they may favor working with koi and large ornamental freshwater and freshwater food fishes.

I attend refresher courses on fish husbandry and diseases, but they devote little time to the marine ornamental fishes. Still, I've had the opportunity to have direct lines of communication with leaders in the fish health field, including but not limited to:
Dr. Edward Noga
Dr. Greg Lewhart
Dr. Cliff Swanson
Dr. Michael Stoskopf
Dr. Craig Harms
Dr. Wade Lehmann
and several public aquarium notables.

I believe there needs to be more people in the know who will help the hobbyist, especially those new to the marine aquarium husbandry.

To this day when one of my fish becomes ill, I become ill until it is well again. Probably sappy, I know, but their lives and their owner's concerns, are important to me. :D
Just saw your post. How is the fish doing? I would alternate soaking nori in garlic and a good vit like zoe. Give it nori daily.
I will try to take a pic of my convict tomorrow. It should look nothing like you described. My convict is the Arnold Schwarzenegger of the tank.

Hello Lee. You know me from the other board.:D
Tang died some time yesterday. I got credited for the fish. The LFS is getting more in on Wensday so i will see what happens then.
eh it was probably gonna happen either way wether it was at the store or in my tank. At least i got credit for the fish. Can anyone suggest any good online places to order convict tangs from other than fosters and smith. Currently fosters and smith are out and just in case my LFS doesn't get any in i would like to buy them online. I was thinking about