Cooking With Steve. Per. Re. Gaby

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2004
bowling green ky
Ok I am starting a thread for Recipies. I love to cook, and would really like to hear other peoples recipies as well.
So here you go. Just a warning, I dont use measures hardly at all, its all by just knowing how much I want.
Second warning. Everything I make is fattening. Its not good for you. You shouldnt eat it.

2 large cans of Bush light red kidney beans
2 small cans of Bush dark red kidney beans
1 can of black beans
1 large can of Red Gold whole tomatos
1 lb of ribeye steak or sirlon steak
some hot bannana peppers
Carrol Shelby's chilli fixins.

So you take the steak and put it in the freezer. About 20 mins. You want a crust of ice on the outside but soft in the middle.
Fire the grill. Put on some smoking wood. Apple works best but oak, hickory or others is fine too.
Get it smoking as good as it can.
Toss the steak on and sear the heck out of one side with the lid closed.
Flip and sear.
Remove to cutting board.
While its cooling
Pour tomatos and juice into pot or slow cooker.
Crush by hand. Be careful, the will squirt juice everywhere if you do it to fast.
Drain all the beans except on large can of light red.
Pour on top of the tomatoes.
Pour on the chilli seasoning.
Add bannana peppers to taste and salt. And 2-3 table spoons of sugar.
Chop the meat into little pieces and put it in.
Cook for a few hours on low.
Serve over Fritos, with shredded cheese.
Mmmmmmmmmmmm. Its bad for you.
More to follow.
Oh just so you know I have a ladle that says 2005 chilli cookoff champion.
I will post a photo later.
And no Jiddy, I didnt have it made. LOL
These are my 4 recipes.

Fresh Raw Salsa
5-6 Mediumtomatoes (cut into 1/3"-1/2" cubes)
1 Medium Onion (cut into 1/4" pieces or smaller)
20+ Cilantro leaves (cut VERY fine)
3 Stalks of green onion (cut fine & use most of the "green part")
1 Serano pepper(take out seeds and cut VERY fine)
Generous amount of garlic powder(or 3-6 garlic cloves pressed), lemon pepper, pepper & a pinch of salt
1 Medium lemon(just the juice)
A little Pepper/Lemon Pepper/Salt

mix it all up very well, put in tupperware(and give it a few more good shakes) and let set in refrig for 4+ hours;
then shake the salsa up in the tupperware and then taste a little because you may need to add more lemon juice
(it's best 24-48 hours later, but after 72 hours it begins to go bad. You can tell when it starts to smell a little sweet. Throw that sh!t away.)

Chicken/Pasta Grub
2 cans of Dole's "Pasta Style" diced tomatoes(don't drain)
1 lb. of skinless, boneless chicken breast
1 loaf of good potato bread

1. preheat 1 big 2"+ deep pan on medium heat (about 50%-60% of the range)
2. cook the chicken in it to just barely done
3. add the can of tomatoes and then turn down heat to 25% of the range
4. add garlic powder/pepper/italian seasons
5. let set for 30 minutes - 1 hour & while stirring every 10-15 minutes

When done, cut up some thick slices of bread and put this mess on top of the bread and eat it with your hands!

Near-Perfect Mashed potatoes
Have a big pot of boiling water on about 75% heat on the stove. Cut up potatoes into 1.5-2 inch cubes. Boil potataoes till you can easily smash up a piece with a fork without having lumps.
Once you're at this point, turn off the range, drain all the water, and put the potatoes in the pot back on the still hot, but cooling stove for like 5 minutes. You'll be able to tell from the appearance of the potatoes that theyre getting superdry sitting in that pot. This last little step will make much creamier potatoes. then add your butter&milk...


Dave's Cheap Spaghetti
1 can of Contadina "Italian seasoned" paste
1 can of Hunt's "Garlic & Herb", "Roasted Garlic" or "Traditional" spaghetti sauce
(below is optional ~for a chunky pasta)
1 can of Dole's Pasta Style diced tomatoes(don't drain)

1. put pot on burner, turn to 25%-30% heat (preheating doesn't matter)
3. add the sauce and paste(and pasta sauce if you choose)
4. mix well & season with teaspoon of garlic powder (or 5-6 crushed garlic cloves) w/maybe a lil' oregano & pepper
5. let pot set for about 1.5hours (w/lid if you don't want to have to watch) hours & stir every 10-15 minutes
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About the recipie for Chilli.. what if i can't grill :( ... in the apartments where i live we're not allowed to grill ... i miss it alot !!!
hmm can i just cook it in a pan or may be in a little electric grill thingy (you know the ones where you can make eggs inside the house :p ) ?
LOL sure but its the smokey flavor that makes it so special.
If your going to do that I would broil it, with a mesquite rub in the oven to brown on each side while still soft and pink in the middle.
Thanks Sparks, we make potatos almost exactly the same, I will try the fresh salsa.
More please. LOL
Ok Ok Ok, here is the ultimate beef stew.

Get a 2lb of chuck roast, season it up like you would a steak with some montreal steak seasoning and cube it up. Heat up the frying pan and get it real nice and hot, put some olive oil on that bad boy and quick fry the outside of the meat, but don't cook it much! Now on a big pot get some stew going with about 15 shallots about 25 small shrooms and about 2 or 3 big carrots (cut up the carrots) Add a couple beef bulion cubes, 1/4lb of bacon, salt and pepper and a entire $5 bottle of Merlot or Cabernet Soviegn, throw in the beef and cover it up. Heat it up on high until its hot and reduce to low and let it cook all day. It will blow your mind!
Thanks Steve :) .. trust me if it was for me i'd be the first one on the gril :p just because i love grilling food.
Thanks Tom and Sparks !!! those recipies sound really really good.
Oh man...You'll want some Bahamian dishes!!! Too bad I don't cook and therefore don't know any:lol:

Ok...Here's one with the help of my wife!

Bahamian Style Baked Macaroni

1lb mullers Macaroni

16oz of grated cheddar cheese

4 eggs

1 small onion

2 16oz tins of evaporated milk

1 tablespoon of seasoning salt


1/2 stick of butter

1 red pepper (or 2 if you have big cahunas!)

K...First you boil noodles (like you were making kraft dinner:D) Once cooked, you drain them, and throw them right back in the pot. Next, you stir in your cream, butter, eggs, chopped onion, salt , and grated cheese. Once the cheese has melted, pour everything in 9x13 pan. Sprinkle paprika as well as some more grated cheese all over the top and then bake @ 350 for 45mins. When finished, wait until it has cooled some before you cut it so it won't fall to pieces and then walla! You've got some Bahamian Macaroni:D
You guys are just trying to get me fat!!
OK I'll go home later & post some of mine from Cajun land, I might have to ship you some ingredients though:D
hehe Krish why bothering wiht the eggs when you can dump the whole chicken in there :D :lol: .

Hey Steve or anyone... any good recipies of deep fried chicken !! you know like Kentucky fried chicken but better than that?:D
hehe Krish why bothering wiht the eggs when you can dump the whole chicken in there .

Hey Steve or anyone... any good recipies of deep fried chicken !! you know like Kentucky fried chicken but better than that?

Check the answer and ask thread, to get some chicken ideas:p
LOL!!! Krish :lol: if that's all the chicken you eat in a day, then ohh boy that toilet deserves some respect :lol:
I dont do fried chicken. KFC does it better than anybody, so when the mood strikes, I go to the master.
Bahamian cooking sounds good. Hook us up with some more.
Scooty, My friend is from Crowley, Last name Duhon, pron. DewYon. LOL
Thats some good food. He was a cook on the tugs for 3 years, and makes some really good food.
Hook us up Scooty.
ohh dood !! well i'd go to KFC but it takes me forever to get there.
ohh well i guess my search for a fried chicken recipie will still be there.
Hey Steve how do you make your broughts (you know the big sausage)?.
Krish and Scooter dood please more recipies !!! ... Krish just one thing.. as long as it doesn't involve eating raw conch :p :D keep it up.
Ok Brauts.
I get Johnsonville. Nobody else knows what the heck they are doing. LOL
Ok get them fresh or thawed.
Start the grill. Charchol plain. Let it burn down pretty good. About 25-30 mins so its not so stupid blazing hot.
Put them in a pot of cold water, with 3/4 cup of brown sugar and 3/4 cup syrup or so.
Bring to a boil.
Once its boiling the brats are cooked thru inside.
Then just toss them on the grill roll them to keep them from burning.
Brown them real good.
And serve on a bun. same condiments for hot dogs.
Green beans the best you have ever had.
One can of green beans. One tablespoon Yes Tablespoon of real Crisco the solid kind. Salt.
Cook on medium high heat till over half the liquid is gone.
I promise you will be amazed.
Oven made hashbrown death cassorole.
One bag of orieda shredded hashbrown.
1/2-3/4 pound chopped ham.
one small onion or 1/2 a big vidailla
1/2 stick of butter
8 oz sourcream.
2-8 oz bags of shreded velveta cheese
Salt and Pepper.
Set oven to 350
chop the onion, cut a pat of butter off the stick and golden the onion in a skillet. You will smell it when the onion is right. Smells sweet.
toss the rest of the butter in and turn off the skillet.
In a large and I mean large bowl, mix everything together. onion and butter too. The hashbrowns are still frozen so its hard work.
Press into a glass dish 13x9. Bake for a hour or so. It will be sorta brown on the top, and bottom. Serve.
Its very very good.
Its very bad for you.
Steves insanly good something or the other.
1 lb of bacon
1 bag of Ore Ida, Obrian style hashbrowns cubed with peppers and onions.
One can of Trappys blackeyed peas with jalopeno peppers.
Cook the bacon in a skillet and set it aside. Pour off most of the grease but save some. cook the hashbrowns according to instructions.
Crumble the bacon into a large bowl, add the hashbrowns, and the can of blackeyed peas drained. Mix them up good. and cook in a cassorole dish at 350 for about 30-45 minutes.
Very Very good.
Even worse for you.