Coral banded shrimp

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Jun 24, 2007
I know these guys can/will eat small fish but how small? I had a small clown fish and a wrasse that disappeared overnight (on different nights). Also, does anyone have a picture of a bristleworm. The worm I keep seeing looks like a long centipede.
Here are some pics of bristle worms...

As for the coral bandit shrimp, I couldn't say. I've had one in my 90 gal, 75gal, 38 cube and aquapod along with clowns and other fish and never had a case where he messed with any of the fish. Hopefully the fish is just hiding. I'd look around, in the sump (if you have one) on the floor etc and see if he didn't jump either :)
I had a coral banded shrimp that attacked fish bigger than itself. I had a canary blenny disappear overnight, then I saw the shrimp going after my mandarin, and before I could catch the shrimp the mandarin showed up with a big wound on the side of its neck (a chunk of flesh ripped out). Later it died from infection.

I did a bunch of research on this and although many people have not had problems with these shrimp, I found plenty of folks who had fish get eaten or attacked. So it's a gamble. I got rid of mine.
Wow! I have had 4 disappearances total, all smaller type fish. Never to be seen again, not even a stray eyeball, fin, nothin'. He's always lurking in the rocks in the back of the tank. I think just to be on the safe side, I will ATTEMPT to remove him and find him another home.

I had a coral banded shrimp that attacked fish bigger than itself. I had a canary blenny disappear overnight, then I saw the shrimp going after my mandarin, and before I could catch the shrimp the mandarin showed up with a big wound on the side of its neck (a chunk of flesh ripped out). Later it died from infection.

I did a bunch of research on this and although many people have not had problems with these shrimp, I found plenty of folks who had fish get eaten or attacked. So it's a gamble. I got rid of mine.
I have a BCS in my 36 gallon and I do regret putting him in there. I have seen him pin down my scooter blenny a couple times. I am going to have to get him out before any more fish go in. I just have not had the energy or desire to do what it takes to catch him.
Hmmm...that seems strange because the couple that i have had have always been fine with other fish. But, i guess everyone is not the same :p

Good luck :)

Strange noise.....

So after blaming my CBS for killing the small fishes, the noise I have been hearing the last few weeks may be the culprit. Sounds like a cross between a cricket and a small frog. Maybe a mantis. After finding that big fat worm today and a mysterious shrimp that could pinch my finger off, I don't even wanna stick my hands in the water to clean!!! I put a fish trap in the tank to try to catch the little fugga. (Good luck)!!!

Couldn't catch him and everytime I try, I hear the Clint Eastwood -theme whistle. Good news is, when my fish guy came over to do a water change yesterday, he found Floatie (my baby clownfish), in my overflow. I had looked several times in there and didn't see him and just thought he had fallen victim to the shrimp. Anyway, he had been in there 5 days and is fine. Yeah!!!

So after blaming my CBS for killing the small fishes, the noise I have been hearing the last few weeks may be the culprit. Sounds like a cross between a cricket and a small frog. Maybe a mantis. After finding that big fat worm today and a mysterious shrimp that could pinch my finger off, I don't even wanna stick my hands in the water to clean!!! I put a fish trap in the tank to try to catch the little fugga. (Good luck)!!!
"He found Floatie" When I first read this I thought you meant a floater IE: Dead Fish.. Gld you found this little guy.. Get some gutter guard up there to cover up the over flow teeth. This help prevent some little fish from going over.
Ha ha ha, my daughter named him Floatie because when she saw how small he was, she said, "He'll be floatin' on top by tomorrow". Well I've had him for a month but the name stuck. I had a custom top made for my overflow yesterday....should've done it two months ago!!!!

"He found Floatie" When I first read this I thought you meant a floater IE: Dead Fish.. Gld you found this little guy.. Get some gutter guard up there to cover up the over flow teeth. This help prevent some little fish from going over.