Coral dip vs. ick

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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2011
Port Orchard Washington
I have a couple corals i bought for my wifes tank before my naso came down with black ick. My question, does coral dip kill marine ick? I put the corals in my tank at home for a couple weeks before the ick, but she asked me if its ok to transfer them to her tank. I do dip all my corals prior, but will the ick transfer to her tank after a dip?
I just read an article about black ich or Tang Disease....says that it's a worm and they take several weeks to die off in your tank "after" you remove all the fish. Google it, lots of info on it.
Yea. I read that but ick lives in the substrate and rocks before being waterborn looking for a fish for the new "life" cycle. I was wondering about coral Rx taking care of the ick that might be on it. Wondering if the meds would take care of it.

anything that is "wet" can carry parasites even cleaner shrimp...however it will take 3-4 days for the first cycle to appear...for those that really want to be "pure", a 6-8 QT week of everything including inverts should be done before placing anything in the main display..
Oyee! CRAP! Ok. Thank you. Guess ill be using my display for a qt...i had a feeling that was the case. Ill let her know shes going to have to wait.
Some fish can be activley suffering from ich that can't be seen ,like in the gills. So the display will always have ich unless all fish are removed for a long period and put into treatment in a QT tank.
If you were closer I have a brand new jar of stuff for treating ich I would give you some. I got it from Barrier and its supposed to be really good stuff.
Oyee! CRAP! Ok. Thank you. Guess ill be using my display for a qt...i had a feeling that was the case. Ill let her know shes going to have to wait.

The QT tank needs to be fishless or the cycle just keeps going on. With fish in the Tank your frags run the same risk six weeks from now as they do today.
I found this quote on line "I called Seachem and asked this very question about their "Reef Dip" product and they said it WILL kill ich BUT only in the free swimming state NOT in the egg state. They went on to say that they are not aware of anything that will totally eradicate ich in every state as a coral dip. " With that said could one not dip the coral then qt the coral till the ick hatches and coral dip again and be reef safe. TOMONT STAGE: May last anywhere from 3 - 28, so a 30 day qt and coral dip after should take care of the ick. Just thinking out of the box, what do you guys think?
The QT tank needs to be fishless or the cycle just keeps going on


this is true..the fancy word is called fallow (fishless), and main display needs to be fishless for a minimum of 8wks to make sure the parasite is 99.9% eradicated.