Coral Food

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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2011
Gig Harbor
Currently I feed 2 times a week with Oyster feast and 2 more days with either Nano 9 or DT's. In an effort to improve overall health and hapines I was thinking about making my own food, at least to replace the Oyster feast.

Do any of you make your own coral food and if so would you be willing to share the recipe and feeding schedule you have devised.
For me it seems to have a big effect on my corals but I like to mix my foods!!! I'll be more then glad to share one of my recipees with u here it is!!! 4 cubes of ocean krill, 4 cubes of oyster feast, 4 cubes of krill brine shrimp and 4 large sized noncooked fresh shrimp!!! The way I do it is to blend all these foods together (NOTE: I have a blender strictly for my tank please make sure that ur blender is very clean and rinse it out with ro water never use soap to clean the blender only ro water) Make sure that I lirerally have a soupy mix not so my chunks but I usually blend for five minutes in my tiny blender!!! And put them in the used cube "hickary" packets and seal in a zip lock bag then freeze!!! That's one of my recipees!!! Try it!!! Indeed mine every two days to make my corals happy and grow!!!! And this will make enough food for well over 3 months if I have any food left over after the three months time I recomend throwing the rest away as I feel the food will loose it's freshness which would make ur corals unhappy!!!! Hope that helps!!! All my corals luv it!!! Let me kno how urs react to the feeding u will kno if they like it as they will open and seem to feast remember use a seringe to feed never just add to tank as most of the food will end up on the bottom and cause problems for u!!! Sorry so long but if u have any more Q's call me at 253-232-9909 it might be easier for u!!!! good luck!!!!Oh ya one more thing I like to add a half capfull of vitamins and amino acids by seachem!!!
Hey man were all here to help that's just what i use to feed bro u can actually mix alot of different typed of foods man it's just what u think is best for ur corals and what they will take and luv to eat u just watch ur corals and you will see them react different!!( their colors will brighten up, pollyps will open all the way or they just might stay closed if they don't like it but try that and I'll have another recipe for u bro this time envolving fresh seafood!!! Just keep me posted!!! Hope that helped!!!
No man I'm just kidding don't ever add sugar to ur smoothies or something will go wrong!!! I hope u didn't take me seriously!! Lol!!!
Really Sugar???? for a fast deliver? I'm looking for a used pony frige and a mean old used blender then i'll be making my own too
Ya it save me hella money and my sps,lps, and softies luv smoothees!!! They react to the foods when I feed speciay my fire coral and torch!!! And they only usually open up at night when I have my moon on!!!

The Refuguim me and a good friend just finished from my old 55gal i had. Have to do some more caulking tomorrow and will start on a NEW stand for both on Fri. Pictures will come.
Honeslty bro I would go and buy a new small blender that way u can clean it with just ro water and u kno forsure that it is clean and good to start saving money rather then buy all those supplements they say u need for ur corals!!!
Nice bro lookin cherry!! I'm getting this free 50 tomarrow!!! This guy is givin it away because tHe center brace is broken off but I told him I'll take it and so Ima make me a sump just to have a project!!! I made my last one but this time I'm hookin it up!!!
Yea I'm all about the DIY stuff man they are crazy on the pricing. I doing my own Ka drip from Pickle juice so i'll just have to pick up a goodwill deal blender tomorrow and start my own smoothies (No sugar of course) LOL. Send pic's of the Sump before and after and thanks and the reciepy.
Hey i'll have to PM you on the side tommorrow. i just read the rest of this post and don't want to take away from the main point but we are just 2-3 if that from one another. I'll PM U tommorow