Coral Rescue Group

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Apr 24, 2006
Ok another one if my "woke me up from a sleep" ideas :)

Over the last 2 years I know of several dozen reefers personally that lost their tanks due to storms that they "Knew" were coming. To make a long story short, they had ample time to bag and ship the livestock out but had no where to send them on vacation.

I would propose that a group of experienced (read good intentions are fine but this requires adequate "tankage" and skill) reefers form a coop of shelters for animals (corals included) in times of disaster.

Say I live on the coast, hurricane is coming and I would just as soon bag and ship my thousands of dollars of corals out to "possibly survive" than face certain death staying at home when the power goes out for a few days.

This is for extreme cases of course but at least it provides an option to perhaps save some of your livestock?

Probably a bit far fetched but I thought I would throw it out there so I could go back to sleep :)
i have the perfect setup for this where they could be in qt the whole time. that way my corals or fish in the main display cant pose a threat to the "guests" or vice versa. i will be available and put me on the list if one gets circulated.
Sounds like a great idea! That is something I've personally never thought of! Maybe you should go back to sleep and dream me up 6 numbers so I can go and win the lotto:p I think that is a great idea for you guys up that way...I hope all works out and you get great feedback on it:)
jsmkmavity said:
i have the perfect setup for this where they could be in qt the whole time. that way my corals or fish in the main display cant pose a threat to the "guests" or vice versa. i will be available and put me on the list if one gets circulated.
Yes this most certainly entered my mind. I think the most likely candidates are going to be those whom either have size-able qt setups, propagation setups or are just willing to setup systems on short notice.
As the mortality rate is going to be an issue as well, most would need to concede to that fact and not hold any volunteer liable. As it is near impossible to see the husbandry techniques of any particular reef keeper, it would be absolutely necessary that local reef clubs undertake a system of acquiring volunteers and that that same person has the ability to care for the displaced animals. As Anthony has infinitely better ability to come face to face with these local clubs, it would require someone of his resources to make it possible. (Not that he does not have enough to do already)

Costs of this foster care are another issue as well. As we all know it is not cheap by any means to take care of our tanks, the fact that a person volunteers his time should be adequate and the owner should really consider a fair payment for expenses (not a profit mind you just so the expenses are covered). Even perhaps donations of surviving live stock?

More comments please......
I've helped a few members out in this very mannor. I have also said quite a few times that I am willing to hold any sickly or in-danger of dying coral/animal etc until it becomes healthy or until there system becomes able to support it again or whatever.

I actually even drove half way to meet a guy to collect what remained of his corals after a mysterious tank crash. Everything I collected and tossed in the frag tank survived, and he got it all back 2 weeks later when he told me his tank was returned to normal. Wasnt any fininky corals or anything fancy though, just easy stuff. If he sees this thread he might chime in and mention how convienient it was :D
i live in an area prown to power outages, right on the bay. i am going to buy a generator for such times. a little portable just to run the punps and heaters
bobt2 said:
i live in an area prown to power outages, right on the bay. i am going to buy a generator for such times. a little portable just to run the punps and heaters
Probably the subject matter of another thread.

Prevention is always nice but sometimes there simply is no "out" and a guy either moves it or looses it. This is about an alternative to a total loss that otherwise would be inevitable.
how about this.......... if they are nervous about shipping all of their corals a few times to give them a chance for survival, what about if they simply fragged off a piece of each coral, sent the frags ahead of time to some for holding, that way if the power does go out and their tank does crash, they have "copies" of their corals alive and well, ready to be shipped back as soon as the tanks are up and running again........ just a thought ;)
Sounds much easier for sure, there are some specimens this will not work for of course but for the majority I think that would be a great idea