coral sting

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2005
I was sticking my hand down into the back of my tank last week, trying to rescue some poor coral that had undoubtably been the victim of an unruly hermit crab or perhaps a large snail, I started to notice a slight sting on my forearm. Since I believe that no man....errr coral...should be left behind, I decided to endure the pain until I had the poor soul in my grasps.

After taking my hand out of the tank I noticed a nice little red mark on my forearm. It had been placed right on top of my caulastrea....don't worry she's fine. Anyway while this sting doesn't hurt any more than a sting from my anemone it has endured for over a week now. It isn't getting any worse but just stays a nice constant raised red area. The skin is a little dry and it itches every once in a while.

Has anybody else had a sting that lasts like this? Will I have a cool scar to talk about at the next fish meeting? I hope so that would be awesome.

While the candy cane may have won the battle, I shall certainly win the war. :badgrin:


awesome !!! i love seeing scars so keep them coming boys :D.
i don't have any scar but one time my anemone i think got mad at me and stinged the heck out of me ... well it was my fault too for keep moving it :) .
I remember my finger was burning the whole day.
Brian - these are the gloves that I use while working in my tank. KV Vet Supply - OB sleeves. You'll be protecting your skin, and also be protecting the tank from the oils on your skin (or whatever else is on your hands and arms).

btuck said:
Will I have a cool scar to talk about at the next fish meeting? I hope so that would be awesome.

Yeah...well, since you aren't going to the meeting this weekend, I guess we'll just have to talk about you then :p. Wear some gloves! Be uber cool like me :D.
NaH2O said:
Yeah...well, since you aren't going to the meeting this weekend, I guess we'll just have to talk about you then :p. Wear some gloves! Be uber cool like me :D.

You just think you are uber cool because you are an SPS snob!!!!!:lol: ;)

Plus I don't like gloves because they dry out my skin even more than it already is. And I want scars from my tank, because girls dig scars!!!!
btuck said:
You just think you are uber cool because you are an SPS snob!!!!!:lol: ;)

Plus I don't like gloves because they dry out my skin even more than it already is. And I want scars from my tank, because girls dig scars!!!!

LOL. Ever hear of lotion? Scars??? Something about seeing red bumps on your arm makes me not want to shake your hand. Now stop making me clutter Anthony's forum up with nonsense! :lol:
LOL. Ever hear of lotion? Scars??? Something about seeing red bumps on your arm makes me not want to shake your hand. Now stop making me clutter Anthony's forum up with nonsense!

lol !!! Nikki :lol:
All funning aside, a guy I work with has a scar that runs the full length of his hand (top) from an infection (parasitic) he got working in his aquarium. He was about 1 day from having his entire hand amputated. Not funny stuff at all... Not to mention he is a Cisco Systems engineer, and that does not work well with only 1 hand. I will see if I can get him to pen his story. I think it bears repeating as this is not the first time I had seen this.
Joking about "battle scars" is one thing, losing your life or a body part from such an innocuous activity as playing in your tank is not so funny.
I got screwed up twice before out in the ocean here. Both times I had to go to the doctor and get an injection! The first time I rubbed my arm against fire coral. It felt like I got cut, but it was itching and burning at the same time. Apparently it all got into my blood stream and I had patches popping up all over my body and it took a little over a week, to get over it I would say. The second happened last summer when I jumped into the water going spear fishing and jumped right into a patch of baby man-o-wars! It felt like I was being electrocuted and that was the worst one! After about 1 hour of being stung numerous times by those fellows, when we were spearing in another area, my legs and arms locked up and I couldn't kick or swim! Good thing I never panic and had just gone down, so I had a good bit of air in my lungs and just allowed myself to float to the surface on my own. Once to the top, I had to call for someone to pull me to the boat! The stings from the man-o-wars took about 1 month before all signs of the sting marks were gone!

Sorry to hear about your episode...:)
NaH2O said:
Brian - these are the gloves that I use while working in my tank. KV Vet Supply - OB sleeves. You'll be protecting your skin, and also be protecting the tank from the oils on your skin (or whatever else is on your hands and arms).

I agree with this advice. I actually have scars on my forearms from interaction with various softies. They are not particularly visible at all times but for some reason are immediately after I get out of the shower.

Here's an additional side benefit. If you keep them on after working in your tank and are heading to the LFS, you're good to go if you need to help birth a cow or horse. I realize that not everyone lives in the State of "Misery" so this might not apply to you.

This thread serves as a reminder to bring up this thread on REEFKEEPING DANGERS
indeed... it is a very serious issue, joking aside. As more people keep/handle more coral and longer... we will see more incidences with repurcussions (Vibrio or Mycobacterium infections, etc.)

I have known more than a few folks that got seriously sick from "minor" stings and a couple too that were very close to needing amputation.

We are not just being strict here about wearing gloves... it truly is necessary.

The raised bump/welt is worth a look by a doc for having persisted more than a couple/few days.

be well/safe my friends

Anth- :)