Coral Stocking 125 Gallon Tank

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Oct 16, 2011
I need help picking corals for my tank. This is my first reef tank and I want something that is easy to take care of and colorful. I also have a couple of questions:

1. How many corals can i add at once?
2. What is the right tank temp. for corals? My tank is set at 77 degrees.
3. What is the proper spacing between corals?
4. Do hermit and green emerald crabs hurt corals?
5. Where do you mount corals, on top, sides, or bottom of rocks?

New 125 Gallon Tank Setup
Hey! BIG :welcome: to Reef Frontiers. ?'s first how long has tank been up and running ??? Have you completed the cycling process ??? What and how many/much lighting is the fixture your using ??? Then we can give you all sorts of suggestions.

Cheers, Todd

P.S. (Lundangler) as in fishing from a Lund boat ???
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My tank has been running about 4 months and has completed the cycling process. I am using an aquatic life 60" fixture that has four 54 watt bulbs (2 actinic lights, 2 daylights, moon lights). You would be correct, fishing from a Lund Boat.
Well then, lets get to it. As far as adding coral I'd keep to no more than a few frags or a colony every week or so, they do add to the bio-load a bit and adding a bunch at one time may also cause them to stress and start biological warfare with one another. What kinds of corals interest you??? You have enough light for most LPS coral and some Soft corals but lack the PAR to support most SPS species. Though you could stack some of LR up higher and place Birdsnest (Seriatopora) or many types of Montipora at top and they also tend to be less aggressive than most. Another deciding factor will be what type/kinds of fish you plan to keep in there with the corals. What is your selection like at LFS or purchasing from other Reefers in your area ???

Cheers, Todd
Zoanthids, Ricordea, Mushrooms, and Acans are what have caught my eye so far. As far as fish this is what i will be putting in my tank:

1 Yellow Tang
5 Green Chromis
2 Clown Fish
1 Flame Angel

I will be buying online as i do not have any options locally.