Cracked Eurobrace

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Well I don't think that it warrants any kind of knee jerk reaction or anything, but I would want to get it fixed too.
OK - I just left IAP a message, we'll see what they say.
Oh my.... :(

Chuck, I'm glad things are temporarily fixed for the moment. reef tanks are always works in progress...

Nikki, that really sucks :( I hope you clear things up with IAP and let them know. Now I'm cringing with my small tank....I haven't heard any 'pops' yet...but i'm crossing my fingers. Although Tom is just south of me and does acrylic work like none other ;)

I had a similar incident happen to my 75 gallon a couple months before I moved to my new place (over a year ago). The top bracing actually unglued itself off the front panel, and so the front part bowed out and water was coming out the top. Very scary...I had to brace it like Chuck's tank and resealed it with Weld-On. It was not a pleasant night.


Wow Nikki .... I am sorry my tank luck moved onto yours as well. I see that yours too had a very small radus around the Eurobrace. My tank is around 4 years old. Still not old enough to have this happen. It was in a canopy with halides the whole time until recently. I think the more open top will keep things cooler.

I would definately patch it up Nikki and I certainly hope you receive a response from your tank manufacturer as yours is only 1 year old. Darn, I am so sorry that you have to deal with this too Nikki.
That one Nikki looks like a seam let go and then carried on. Regardless what a drag! Lets see what the maker says and does, IMO that one looks like a good candidate for weld on 40.

wow... right before I get my new 140... :p ... this is quite scary... I have only had one acrylic crack before, my sump, which I had to fix with some acrylic and weld on 4.

Sorry to hear it happened to you... good thing you caught it though. :D

IAP Has a good reputation RGibson.

Damn that sucks on both accounts. I hope it all works out for the best for both of you.
hrmm I'm starting to think again about this new acrylic I'm buying... the eurobracing is square no rounding to the inside edges... it was made about 3 months ago by IAP

Freaking 'A'

Chuck, Let me know if you need help during the tank transfer activities.. I'll help in anyway I can.. I am also just 20min away in the even of an emergency.

I do not like seeing this trend one bit! Nikki, how a 1" brace on your tank failed is beyond me.. I have a 1" on my IAP 280. I am going to check my seams tonight and if they look okay I am going to go ahead and weld acylic supports over the top hopefully preventing a catastrophy..

I am glad you posted this Chuck... VERY glad. Thank you, thank you.
John you might not want to do that, it could make it craze and make it have more potential to fail. Not that it is going to fail or anything.
Well... shoot... I panic enough as it is when I hear rain start on a gutters, water drain from the washer or any other form of water splashing as it is!!

Maybe some Nitro pills would be wise... Especially after yesterdays Seahawk's game :)

Well.. I dont have any-rounded corners. I wonder if that is contributing to the failures here..
IAP posted on my tank thread, and I received a PM from Brian at IAP. He is going to be in touch with me about the tank.

I don't understand why adding some supports to the tank corners could craze them causing them to be weaker? Not doubting big T at all, just trying to understand.
Nikki, maybe chuck can post a close up of the braces. Maybe I didn't use the best glue? (weldon 40) I duno, but the brace crazed up real bad w/ deep crazes on the tank side of the mating surfaces. It was just kinda like Oh shit, but chuckie took it well and is just going to leave the clamps on untill he can replace the tank.
Thanks, Tom. The crazing just makes me a little worried about patching my Eurobrace. Mojo suggested making a steel support for the top, that comes down the side and fits snug....thought that might be an option, if I don't get any advice from the manufacturer. My husband can have one made....then he was kicking the idea around of talking with some old racing contacts and making a carbon fiber cover for it that does the same as the steel, but could be molded more and would be better.