my and my good friend kyle were talkig the other day, and he was saying
how cool would it be to be a real life admin,
like your driveing in traffic and someone driveing like a azz, u pause the high way, pull up your paper that says whos drivieng on your part of the road.
you slap the dude, and say if you dont follow the rules ill ban you.
the guy mouths off, you hit the button you have stored away, and bam the dude pulled right out thur the roof or his car, then the car some how dissapeers.
or better yet, your in the line at the supermaket. the guy in front of you is rude to the older lady in front of him.
BAm!@ pause the line, put up the bright green letters saying "dissrepect of elders is unexseptabul" "Kick or ban for not following rules"
booooob click, booooob dude gets ripped right thur the ground,