craziest tank ever

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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That guy was Banned? That would make for an awesome thread here, invite him over :D

This dood must of made millions or won the Lottery:)
i got ban from Rc 2,
Nice. Not the hardest thing to do but funny. I could get banned for this now probably if my name was the same there.

That guy was Banned? That would make for an awesome thread here, invite him over :D

This dood must of made millions or won the Lottery:)

I dont know what he does but I know people with a lot of money and I dont think many would do something like that. someone needs to get Paul Allen in this hobby. he would probably add a tank like that to his yacht so he didn't have to go outside to see the fish.
naw, Rc ran by a bunch of 12 year old preists........ but

on the strength that guys building his house around his tank,

id really like 2 see that when its finished.

will he be able to?
Maybe we should start a club for banned RC members :lol:

Actually they did let me back on, just took a little bit of groveling. It is afterall the best place to sell things :)

I'm really looking forward to seeing how this tank progresses; we ought to send him a personal invite to document the thread here... maybe some flowers would do it.
Hey Sick I did try & get you un-banned from RC, he told me that you would need to ask him nicely, so I guess it worked LOL, they sure like to ban people.
Haha, thanks Scooter, I didn't know I had guardian angels looking out for me :lol:

Anyway I was probably partially to blame for that incident. Combine a hot head with, as you say, a propensity to ban people for even the smallest of infractions, and out ya go :)

I wish I had more money, then I could buy a new house with a 20,000 gallon tank. Then I'd put a dolphin in it. And a tuna.
So is reefcentral ban happy or something?

They think they are kings of all fish geeks or something. they seem to enjoy cutting people and being powerful. We are Just lucky chuck and Mike started this site. Chuck is one of the best mods out there and every time I should have been banned he has taken the time to personally talk to me. (I need to be checked every once in a while)
my and my good friend kyle were talkig the other day, and he was saying

how cool would it be to be a real life admin,

like your driveing in traffic and someone driveing like a azz, u pause the high way, pull up your paper that says whos drivieng on your part of the road.

you slap the dude, and say if you dont follow the rules ill ban you.

the guy mouths off, you hit the button you have stored away, and bam the dude pulled right out thur the roof or his car, then the car some how dissapeers.

or better yet, your in the line at the supermaket. the guy in front of you is rude to the older lady in front of him.

BAm!@ pause the line, put up the bright green letters saying "dissrepect of elders is unexseptabul" "Kick or ban for not following rules"

booooob click, booooob dude gets ripped right thur the ground,
I dont really worry much about controlling other people like they do because I am secure about my "size". if you know what I mean.

a rc bash, cool

ive bin meaning to get my self a Ip changing program to hide my ip.

makeing there ban useless, but i have had the motavation and besides this sight is so damn good that theres no need.

Well here is my 2 cent.:D Well I may know nothing about tanks but I do know about houses. The guy may be telling the truth about the tank but looking at the foundation that house is no where near 9500+ finished space plus basement. I know.:eek: Here is pics of my house being built. Notice the first floor/foundation pics. My first floor is only 3300 sq ft then look at his foundation pic. About half the size.:confused: All three stories of my house plus a bonus room in the peak (4th) is only a little over 10,000 total sq ft. I call shenanigans. But that is just my opinion.

Enjoy the pics. I do not think I have shown them to anyone on here before.
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