Crazy blue zoo prices

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lol, if they would've put rare in front of it, they might have been able to price it in the $700+ range! Morgan brings up a good point, when does something become aquacultured? As soon as I cut a frag off of the colony that has been in my tank? What about if I just stuck it in yesterday? Or does it have to be in there a while, and then what's a while? A year...five...ten...what's the standard?

I have to swallow a little bit of pride here and say that in my blissfull ignorance, I was unaware in my original rant that Tubbs was a collection of corals, because I've only ever seen the zoanthids. However, in defense of BS selling them as Tubbs, the idea wasn't to gain huge margins on a wild caught zoo. In fact, quite the opposite. They were offering them at wild caught prices but using the name as a color reference, and they would gladly tell you that they are wild caught. Jonas and Doris are two of the most honest LFS people I've ever met, and both have the attitude of doing what they can from the LFS side of the hobby to further advance it, not detract from it in any way. They're not trying to market them as aquacultured "Holy Gral" zoo's, and commanding an unresonable price for them. They were offering them as a wild caught unique colormorph at MORE than reasonable prices.
Why is that wrong?

Not really wrong per say. Just what makes people think they are better than the next. As stated earlier what is deem ethical to another might not be to someone else. We are all different! So the question again what makes one's ethical believes or what ever they believe in better than another's? What type of life style does one have to live to be judge of another's? That is my point. I look at it this way I know I have my faults and have my own view of life so who am I or you to question someone elses? I'm going to end it this way and would be done with the subject. I'd 1st question my own believes and ethics before I judge someone elses because you will never know why someone did what they did until you have walked in thier shoes! That is just how I was raised. I might be the minority with this opinion but I'd rather have it that way because I don't follow the masses. I's rather fail or succeed on my own than having others take me their!
VERY nuts! Although, I think the Ebay auction for 1 purple hornet polyp that went over $200 is even nutsier! :lol: