Crocea PMD?

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Nov 29, 2004
Do you think my crocea has PMD? It just seems like the mantle looks little different than my other clams. More stiff or upright? Mantle doesn't fold over the lip naturally. I did add a new Maxima last week, but no other clams.




I have no experience with Pinched Mantle... so am giving this a "bump" to help keep it ontop of the list so others will notice it.

Welcome to Reef Frontiers, by the way! :)
naka - the clam looks like it is pinching to me. Have you checked the clam for any pyram snails? Have you tried any of the treatments for pinched mantle, such as a freshwater dip? Are you using an iron-based phosphate remover? Are you running carbon? Sorry for all the questions :)
naka - the clam looks like it is pinching to me. Have you checked the clam for any pyram snails? Have you tried any of the treatments for pinched mantle, such as a freshwater dip? Are you using an iron-based phosphate remover? Are you running carbon? Sorry for all the questions :)
I checked for the pyramid snails already. I'm going to try the fw dip if the condition worsens. No phosphate remover, but I'm running carbon. I have several clams in my tank, but this crocea is the only one w/ unusual mantle. I'm going to see if the condition worsens.


James, keep an eye on it. You may find the pinched mantle returning in a couple of weeks. Make sure when doing the FWD that the pH and temp match that of the tank. How long did you do the dip for?
About 20 min. I matched my PH of my RO water w/ some buffer. I just sprinkled some buffer and did the microwave trick to match the temp. Clam looks about 1000 times better today.

I did dose some Iron (Fe) couples of weeks ago, for my Zeo tank. I'm never doing that again. I got a huge bag of KZ carbon w/ 20% w.c. every 5 days. All other clams are doing fine. I have a crazy black zebra maxima that I just got recently. I would fly you to Houston Nikki, if the black zebra got PM. he he

I experienced the same results with my fresh water dips. I was just having to do them frequently. The reason I asked about the iron based phosphate remover was because of this:

NaH2O said:
I was pointed in the direction of another thread, which contained some interesting information. Since there are quite a number of folks involved on this thread, I'm interested to see how many have iron based phosphate removers on their systems...


Two types of iron chelators, desferrioxamine (DFO) and 2,2'-bipyridyl (BIP), selected for their differential binding properties, permeability and stoechiometry, were tested for their ability to inhibit the in vitro proliferation of the carpet shell clam parasite Perkinsus atlanticus. A tetrazolium-based assay was used to determine the effect of the drugs on cell proliferation. Both chelators were able to inhibit P. atlanticus proliferation in a dose-dependent manner, the 50% inhibitory concentration were 14 and 24 mM for DFO and BIP, respectively, in a 72 h test. This effect was reversed by co-addition of iron, confirming that this activity is due to the sequestration of iron. These results indicate a high degree of susceptibility of the protozoan parasite to chelator-induced iron deprivation. However, this effect was reversible upon removal of the drugs, indicating that the action of both chelators was cytostatic. For the range of concentrations tested the combined drug effects was not significantly higher than the additive effect of the individual drugs.
I still need to read the full study, but there's the abstract....(PDF file)Effect of desferrioxamine and 2,2'-bipyridyl on the proliferation of Perkinsus atlanticus

Follow-up post:

chris&barb said:
it's been about 2 or 3 week now for me with out any signs of PM. what i did to clear it up was put a large amount of GAC in an old skimmer body and im running about 700 to 800gph through it. when i first installed it ,with in about 3 or 4 hours the pinching was gone. i got this idea from the above paper on Perkinsus and iron. i run rowa/phosban 24/7 and i think that thats the root cause. this weekend im getting some new GFO and i may take the GAC off line and see what happens, but then again i may just keep running the GAC and not take any chances

Hopefully, the maxima won't get it! PLEASE post a pic of sounds gorgeous!