Cutting thin acrylic?

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2004
Seattle, WA
Any suggestions on the best way to cut thin (0.09") acrylic sheets?

I'm upgrading the lighting in my girlfriend's Eclipse 12 so she can add some plants (freshwater), and so I'll need to redo the cover. I can bend the acrylic easy enough with a small torch (I think), but I'm not sure how to cut acrylic that thin cleanly. I usually use a saber saw for 1/4" acrylic.

I don't have a table saw or anything similar, nor easy access to one. I thought about using my dremel, but the body of the tool or flex section gets in the way when I try to cut perpendicular with a cutoff wheel.

Almost sound like you could cut it with a razor knife or heavy duty scissors. Funny you ask this question as I just got through with my dremel, I had to notch out a part on my tank inside the overflow to get the drain pipe in, little tight but it works, what a mess!

I'd go with a straight edge, and a new blade in a utility knife, and make several passes. Then snap the piece off, and sand it down, or use a file. Whatever you have handy!

Ok, next question. =)

I'm going to just silicon the ballasts w/ bulbs (the ballast and socket are integrated with the 13W CF bulbs) to the underside of the hood for mounting that part, as they can be semi-permanent.

However, anybody have any suggestions for how to mount the acrylic shield in such a way that its movable? I'm thinking I'll cut the acrylic to it goes all the way to either side of the hood and is open on the ends but with little gap, and bend it so the side edges meet the underside of the hood with enough clearance for the ballast + bulb combo. Just not sure how best to mount it.

Any ideas?

maybe like you would mount a mirror, use the little tabs or nailer's that have a clasp to hold it in place?
I thought about that, but with the angle the acrylic meets the top I'm not sure how well that'd hold.

I'm thinking I can bend out the acrylic in the corners to make tabs I could screw to something that's siliconed to the inside top of the hood. That would probabnly work. Just not sure what to screw it into. Maybe a small plastic block of some sort?
