Cwazy's 13g Slice of the Ocean!

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Nov 18, 2006
Seattle/Sammamish, WA
Hey all,

For those of you who don't know, I started with a 10g 5 years ago, then upgraded to a 40b a couple months after the 10g and then decided to quit for 4 years. And now I'm back into this money sucking hobby (woohoo)

About a year ago, I started up again with something really small, a 12" cube. For those who havent seen his thread, go here:

But this wasnt the only thing I was doing new, I also ran a little 0.5g (4.5x4.5x4.5") as an experiment, if you havent seen that thread go here:

Now in my main 12" cube, I had alot of corals and had 2 clowns at one point. (one decided to die) and since that death, I wanted 2 again, but didn't want to risk the bioload. So whats the next best thing??


So just that I did. I decided on a larger square foot print but stayed with the 12" height that I was so comfortable with. In the end I chose 16x16x12 which gave me 13g.

And I also decided to DIY the tank as well. If you havent seen the initial tank design/build phase, look here:

Now I'm at where I'm at now and moved everything into the tank 3 days ago. Also got 4 new mini colonies. Here are the pictures:



I'll get some more later.

I also added a red grow led for the chaeto in the fuge and I have also been trying to figure out a new way to top off as my siphon gravity fed ATO didnt work -.-

And of course:

I couldn't get any siphon ATO's to work for me and I didn't want to put more money into making one work, so I just went with a double vacuum ATO


Also, single red LED above my fuge with chaeto in it.

BTW That type of ATO on your new Nano is just what I was looking to have posted on the other forum. (DYI AIO) I am not sure how it works.
Those are 32oz bottles, So 64oz of water lasts me about 3-4 days. And I have ALOT of surface agitation and basically topless.

It works by using internal pressure. If no air in get in, no water can get out. This is ONLY if the container is 100% airtight.
Looks awesome man. Real nice work. Looks just as good as the Pico mantarays going for top dollar.