Cyano Bacteria Help!

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D and L
Oct 8, 2006

I have been trying to deal with my red algae. I had super high phosphate but now its alot better, but the cyano bacteria is still growing. To take away my phosphate I used phosphatebegone. I have also been syphoning the red algae every week and have been doing water changes because I was using tap water. Its been one month that I have been using distilled. I have also increased my water flow. I really dont know what else to do. Please reply as fast as possible.

Thank you:(
for one thing you need to keep on doing what your doing. remove the excess, increase your flow to the more infected areas and get your water params correct.
what kind of system do you have? fish only ? reef? what are your phosphate and nitrate readings?
There is a powdered med you can use that has worked great for me. I got it a indoor reef. Gone in 2 days just remember to do a big water change afterword. This is a bacteria that beileve it or not can be treated with certain over the counter med. I have done it before and it worked great.
Not sure I would go medicating your tank. Especially if it is a reef tank. I'm one to believe that if you can take care of it in due time with natural methods I would go with that. Sometimes you just don't know what it can do to the tank although it may seem fine and dandy now. JMO
Well i have 1 rock polyp and 2 mushrooms. As for equipment I have a protein skimmer and a submersible filter for my flow. Im hoping to buy a maxi-jet. And yes it always grows on the same areas. I increased my flow there but its still growing. I have a brand new t-5 lighting that I purchased 2 weeks ago.
Not sure I would go medicating your tank. Especially if it is a reef tank. I'm one to believe that if you can take care of it in due time with natural methods I would go with that. Sometimes you just don't know what it can do to the tank although it may seem fine and dandy now. JMO

Agreed, antibacterial medications are not for a reef. Their used to be this stuff (cant remember the name)that came in a little vial with a tiny spoon. If its the same stuff it could cause the tank to recycle.

Don, I believe you are referring to ChemiClean....while an effective treatment of cyano, it's risky to use as it is a heavy oxidizer and can cause O2 levels in the tank to only used as an absolute last resort...

I used to have the same problem that you have and , I did a lot of water changes, built a 100 gallon box to create extra water volume, and create a real tsunami inside my tank:lol: I have four pumps, in each side!!
A friend used Marycin 2 for his cyno
and it took care of that (at least for a while) but he lost most
of his corals soon after. I just stopped overfeeding my fish and kept up
with the water changes and the cyno dissapeared.