Cyano is growing in my fuge again

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Sounds like it has fuel for growth, harvest it like you would a plant, it is growing in the right place & easy to remove, this is a great export. Don't sweat it, it will cycle through eventually but you still have to consider what is causing it, you know the rules, gather up the usual list of possible causes & review each once again It will be ok.
I don't know where its getting the fuel from. I have tree fish in my 210 and nothing has died in the past 2 months. I am going to do a water change or two over the 4 day weekend and try to suck out as much cyano as i can. Its actually growing all over my good macro algae.
What exactly do you mean by clean my fuge? Like syphon everything out? Or take out all my old macro and start fresh?
That depends on how it looks, If you can rinse clean everything after taking it out I would reuse whatever I can.
I have a brush/scrubber that i will use to clean off all the glass on the fuge walls and bottom but is that really going to help it since i have LR in their and its growing on there too.
If your main tank is clean & your fuge. is full of rock it can build up in there, I would just get a big tub & tear it down & rinse all the rock clean, clean up anything that can hold detritus, you need to spiff it up, is can't hurt other than the choir of cleaning it. Is there sand also? How clean is the sump?
Sump is spotless. No sand and only about 6lbs of LR two hold down the macro. Its just a little hard to get in there and work. Do you think WC could kill it off?
Sump is spotless. No sand and only about 6lbs of LR two hold down the macro. Its just a little hard to get in there and work. Do you think WC could kill it off?

I can't see your tank so I'm tossing ideas your way, if your fuge isn't that dirty then maybe the best thing to do is suck as much out as you can & when you do a water change, suck & blow the rocks in the fuge along with the rocks in your tank, aggressively blow it with either a turkey baster or PH. While doing all this If you have a sock put it on the overflow to trap as much as you can. This isn't a bad algae to have Unless it completely overtakes your tank but that is in rare cases & I have to believe four things comes to mind, poor husbandry as far as wc's & cleaning removing detritus, low or weak lighting, & yes slow water flow, which is opposite of the reasoning of a fuge design, last is overfeeding. It is difficult to diagnose problems without through questioning & still it can be difficult. I would make sure your fuge. is as clean as you can get it, suck it out & keep the rest of the tank clean, a little in the fuge you can live with, harvest it & use it to your advantage as an exporter & as long as your main tank is clear I would be happy.
Bummer Nick...I agree something's got to be fueling it if it is growing. Not sure where it would be coming from, but maybe your tank is experiencing a small cycle for some reason. I'd do the water change vaccuming it out to export it and see if it grows back. Good luck man:)
I added a powerhead to mine to improve circulation. Just like in the main tank - good water movement is important
Yes i do have sand in my tank. i am cleaning the crap out of my fuge this weekend. I am going to try and remove as much of the cyano as possible too.
Yes i do have sand in my tank. i am cleaning the crap out of my fuge this weekend. I am going to try and remove as much of the cyano as possible too.

Sounds like a good plan, I know higher flow may also help in the fuge. but depending on how your set-up It may defeat the purpose of the fuge.
Well see i don't know if flow is the issue because i mean both of my overflows dump into that fuge and i can see the algae blowing around but maybe its not strong enough?


I do run two filtersocks and i change them every 3-5 days.
Yes i do have sand in my tank. i am cleaning the crap out of my fuge this weekend. I am going to try and remove as much of the cyano as possible too.

The sandbed in the main tank may be the nutrient source, and the growth conditions (for the cyano) are just better in the 'fuge.

I agree with cleaning out the 'fuge to make sure that there is no detritus accumulated there, but if the nutrients are coming from the sand you may need to do more.