Cycling question

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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2005
I'm almost ready to setup my new 75 gal tank. I'm putting in about 30 pounds of dry rock, to my knowledge it has never been live rock. I'm also putting in about 70 lbs of used dry sand (I bought it used and cleaned and dried it). At the same time I will be putting in about 60 lbs of live rock from my 55 gal tank.
Will I need to cycle the tank before I put the fish in the 75 from the 55?
And if so how about how long?
Well I would watch out for a cycle just in case. And you'll know how long by your parameters. But I would rinse everything ( rock and sand) before u place them in the tank.
Yea I was going to rinse everything good before I put them in the tank, and I will watch the reading.
The 75 gal is going where the 55 is now so I was thinking of putting a couple pieces of live rock and the 3 fish (engineer golby and 2 clowns) I have now in a 10 gal tank till the 75 is ready. Can I get by with the fish in a 10 gal for a week or 2 with only a powerhead and heater?
i would get a hob filter with just carbon in it a ph and heater small cheap one from walmart will be cool......

LFS keep more fish then that in small tanks 10 qt will not kill the fish just do small water changes every few days. and you will be golden
I have another question. Should I use some of the water from the 55 in the 75 when I set it up?
yes use the 55gl water for shur. I just did a similar swap from a 20 to a 55 took 4 days to cycle. pout down crushed coral, layerd live on top. pout in dead base rock, live rock on top. The only thing out of the norm was the protine skimmer filld up on the 2nd day