DA Elite vs. Neptune Apex

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Fish Tank Freak
Sep 28, 2006
Im getting ready to order one for the tank I'm building and want everyone's opinion on what they like about theirs.
The biggest job this controller will have is keeping the owner atuned to what the tank is doing at the office on his weekends when he is home.
Please help me make up my mind for him.
I see you're getting ready for a come back. What size tank are you planning?

IMO I like the DA line-up. Very nice and very easy to use. I currently only have a DA ReefKeeper Lite with 2 outlet strips. But it has been a joy and like I mentioned, easy to use.
Only used the apex, but I love it. Remote access over the web, so once you set it up, you can control the entire tank from anywhere. If You can set up an alarm system to email you and text your phone. I also have an app on my phone that displays my temp, pH probe readings and amp usage. I can activate feed cycles and turn on and off outlets from my phone.

Outlet programming is simple and straight forward. Getting the dynamic DNS set up could be a bit tougher depending on your internet hardware, but the directions are pretty good and you can get help on the forums. It is very cool though once it is going.

I'm about to add another outlet strip. You can expand the apex to control something like 999 outlets and many different modules. Its a very expandable unit.

If you have any more specific questions, ask away
Naw Alex, this is a 175 bowfront Im building for RichV a PSAS member from woodinville. He just doesnt have the time so he asked me last summer to help him out. I now have the time to build the stand so by mid/late January he should have water in his office space.

Rob, is your DA internet ready via ethernet?

Does anyone know if either of these units have WiFi adapters?
I know the DA Elite does not have WiFi. But if you want WiFi that would be fairly easy to set up, so long as you're a tech savy type.