DE MH Dimensions

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Well-known member
Nov 20, 2009
Just wondering if someone had the distance from outside of stand to outside of stand on a DE Mh bulb set up. Just need to know the length of the bulb in the stands.

Thank you,

The 150s and 250s are the same and 400s are longer. When your saying "stands", I assume your meaning the ceramic sockets. IMO the only way to mount sockets it to use a bulb seated properly and then mark the holes. If I give you a measurement and then you mount them, if its even an eight inch off your either starting over or moving one socket. Its almost impossible to move anything just an eight inch.

So, in short, just buy the bulb you plan to use, and use it to make your template.

Thanks for your reply. I just need to know relatively close. I can accomodate for the 1/8th inch. I am not buy any right now as I am just trying to design something. If you have both measurements for both sizes I would really appreciate. I am not trying to be exact at this point and within an 1/8th inch would be close enough for my needs.

Thanks for your time,

Ok then,
On my PFO DE 250. The bolts are 6 inches apart OC. There is room for adjustment on the ceramic seats. The total length from end to end of the ceramic seats is 7 and 7/16ths of and inch with the bulb seated. The 150 bulbs are the same lenght but the socket is different. The 400s have the same socket as the 250s but the bulb is longer. I dont have those dimentions. Hope that helps.