dead clown........!

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clown fish
Mar 11, 2007
okay so yestersay i decided to move my 10 gal setup into my 20 gal long, So i put 15 gallons of fresh water (RO/DI) and i mix in the salt, then i put in 5 gallons of the 10 gallon water in the 20, I let it settle dow and het up over night, and the next morning I find one of my clowns dead....... So my first question is, can i have one clown or do i have to buy another one (and my other clowns have been together for about a year. and what are my stocking options for a 20 gallon long tank?
I think the saying goes something like an inch of fish per 6 gallons of water or something like that so with a 20 gal tank you're looking at being able to house 2 clowns and a goby, or damsel, or shark, wait that ain't right, well you get the picture.
sorry to hear about your clown dood :( , you could get one little one or you can just keep one, you don't have to have a pair ...when one of my ocellaris died, i just kept the other one alone .
i'd think about a wrasse, they're cute and if you got an unwanted pest they can take care of it .

ohh yeah or you can always try to get a white shark dood :eek: :lol:
that's just way to big for your tank :p. .... but may be one of those very very tiny blue tangs .... but then again in a few months you would either have to get a bigger tank or give him away dood .
Sorry to hear about your loss...:doubt: I would probably try to find the clown a mate/company as well, but not totally necessary IMO like Gabby mentioned.:)
I had a mated pair of clowns in my 20 long and then one died,and the other after so I know what your going through,but I like the idea of 2 clowns and a cleaner shrimp.
okay thanks for the replys everyone, im gunna go with 2 clowns and a cleaner shrimp.....wait but dont they steal food and they dont really do much for your tank (eat algea, or clean the rocks)
:badgrin: LOL want my cleaner shrimp??:lol: Just kidding!
No wait! I'm serious!
Oh Darn you live in Wa. sorry a bit far for a shrimp transfer.:cry:
shrimps are ok as long as you don't have a coral to feed because otherwise they're a pain.
they don't eat algae and you gotta feed them too ( whatever you feed your fishes) ... they're good at eating dead stuff and cleaning your fishes :p .