Just a FYI to all, I did some more research on specifically the pukani rock and found notable mention of the pukani being an algea factory if not cleaned/cured well before additon to your tank. no matter the method ( bleach, boil, vinegar etc) it seems prudent to give it a good cleaning and soaking. my plan, after taking the garden hose to it, is to run it in my sytsem with non-rodi tap water and do a few complete water changes. Rodi sounds great but I all things considered I'd rather just do about 5 complete water changes over a couple of weeks and call it good. after all, even if i use rodi its pretty much crap water as soon as it comes in contact with the dirty pukani. when the water runs clean I will use rodi then add salt and begin cycling. I'll have to do some more research on the pros and cons of SPEED cycling with #2. I'll get back to ya. lol.