Dear Saltwater Hobby....

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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2006
Dear Saltwater Hobby....

I am officially separating from you temporarily. If I didn't have a understanding wife, I would be divorcing you and getting out of the hobby altogether.

Over the last couple of weeks, I have gone from 18 fish to 9. A majority of these fish have been in my tank for 2 yrs.

These weeks of death have been the hardest and financially most expensive in the 14+ yrs I have been in the hobby. Today's death of my 10" show Emperor angelfish was the final straw. The only angelfish left is the Regal angel.

I am taking a break from the hobby and not purchasing fish and possible corals for several months. I am done and don't care to see another fish for some time.

Hopefully, when I return to this hobby that I love so much you will treat me with kind gloves.

For now, I am going to get my priorities straight and instead of spending 5-6 hours a day to make sure a 75g and 100g QT tanks are clean and fish are kept alive, I am going to spend the rest of the year with my girls who are 6 and 4.


Wow, sorry to hear about your losses, that is tough!

Enjoy the holidays with your kids!
Kirk I am sorry to hear about your losses my Friend! If there is anything I can do to help you, please get ahold of me.

I wish you and your family a very Merry Xmas!

Your Friend and Fellow Reefer!

Aw man I'm sorry Kirk! Whats crazy is that the regal is the lone survivor. You must have a hearty fish for sure. Are you going to keep the system going for him at least? I know how badly you wanted him, and how long you waited before trying. I'm sorry to hear your taking a break, but I understand totally. Have a good Christmas and a good new year. Feel free to check in and say hello anytime.

all fish are in QT tanks..I am going fishless in the main display tank for 8wks so when I am ready to introduce fish, I can be confident that no parisites exists.

I will be keeping corals and inverts in the main display.
Sorry to hear Kirk! :doubt: I know the feeling. Left the hobby for some time myself for various reasons. Enjoy your family man and peace of mind. This hobby will always be around. :)
Wow I'm sorry to hear that also, I do indeed hope it is only for a short time. I always enjoyed looking at your success and the beautiful fish you kept. So do you know what caused the deaths? I hope you regain from this and get it back up, I always respected your skills and the ways you kept every fish and did it the best way you could.

Oh BTW we will hold the door open for you when your ready to come back, hopefully you don't completely leave us! :)

I had 17 fish that were living harmoninously for 2 years, all were happy and eating, then I guess I pushed the envelope and added my last fish, Emperor angelfish. Gorgeous show fish of 10". The first two weeks were great but then the third week I started to notice some cloudy fins and eyes, this is when things started to go south, and from there you know the rest of the story...

The lesson learned for next time this situation occurs, is I am taking the fish immediately out of the DT and into QT. I think if I did that my losses would not have been so great.

In any event, the break will be 2-3 months, as no livestock is going into my tank for 2 months, need to make sure MI or MV is completely gone from the DT.
Thats a tough hit Kirt, sorry that it happened to. Having been in the hobby for a long time I think as time goes by we tend to loose sight that what we actually do is pretty amasing stuff. To be able to keep such delicate creatures in what is a foriegn enviroment with such succes, is nothing short of a miracle.

Take what you learned kirt, your a top aquarist I know you will create something even more inspiring on your next go round.

Hey Kirk, even though you told me you were going to post this thread it's still kind of surreal to read it. You know if there is anything you need I'm just up the road. Give it a couple weeks or so and will come down to help clean up and re-aquascape the Display Tank with you. I'll also bring a handfull of coral frags to get established before the fish go back into system.

Enjoy your Family during the Holidays my friend, Todd
Todd et. al,

Thanks for the wishes. It means alot.

Todd, I will give you a call in a couple of weeks and we can reaquascape. I captured the fairy wrasse and gobies, so the DT is fishless. Let the count down begin !!
We all know you will be back. The itch gets stronger by the day. I suggest you avoid all LFS, pet stores, nature TV channels, reef websites (except this forum) :shock: until time is up. Resistance is futile. :evil:
Sorry for your losses.
After you go fallow for the proper amount of time you will be happier for it knowing your tank is clean.
Then comes the grueling QT time of restocking.
Don't give up but as Mike said, take your experiences and move forward.
I wish you and your family a wonderful holiday and happy new year :)