Dehumidification warning!

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I think your on the right track about the mold spores. Here is a list of black mold symptoms I found from a quick search.
Symptoms of Black Mold Poisoning- A List of the Most Common

We need to do something in our bedroom the window is getting some black mold in the track I don't know it's the real bad kind though. We have a dehumidifier but I was worried it would just pull moisture from the tank and not the rest of the room??
We have no gas appliances or wood burning stoves, so nothing that would cause any carbon monixide issues. I am almost sure it was caused by the mold spores drying out, becoming airborne. Doc can discount that all she wants, I'm I do have information that the doc doesn't have. We didn't realize the cat and dog had also become ill until we returned home from Urgent Care. So the doc was unaware of the animals also becoming ill.

We're all feeling a bit better. My chest still hurts, but it's more achy muscles, from the coughing fits, than anything. I still have some coughing fits but I'd imagine there's still gunk in the lungs needing to get out. The fits aren't near as sever or as often as they were.
Glad you are feeling better. I am having a hard time thinking the sudden drop in humidity was the sole cause. I have a large difference in humidity just from downstairs (with large tank and open windows) and upstairs. I ran a dehumidifier for a couple years and when I started it up the windows in the house were dripping, drew down the humidity quickly.

I have been able to move away from running the dehumidifier by switching over to LEDs, reduced my evaporation 50-60%. Now in the winter I can control humidity and tank temp with just a window open a small crack in the fish room. As the days approach 55-60 degrees I have to turn the AC onto fan mode and once we get up to the 70’s I will run the AC.

And on urgent care doctors, never hurts to get second opinion, my husband saw one for an infection in a small wound on his knee, got antibiotics and told it was no big deal. 24 hours later he was in surgery, it was MRSA (flesh eating bacteria).
I agree entirely with Kris. Last July I was diagnosed over the phone as having a cold, later told was a flu and later yet a specific diagnosis as Influenza B. Three weeks later after checking into the hospital unable to catch my breath, x-rays and blood labs confirmed an aggressive case of Pneumonia in my left lung. Was a long recovery but it could have been much worse.

DRs too often just jump to conclusions based on anecdotal evidence and conventional wisdom. Keep in mind that symptoms can manifest and subside. If you got sick due to mold spores or lung infection, it is unlikely to just rapidy heal itself. Call the nurse to get all known info in your record and watch for any return of symtoms.
I would highly recommend investing in a HEPA Air filtration unit that can clear +400sq ft. I ran one for years in a 900sq ft condo where we first lived to alieviate the poor air circulation and animal dander. Within 30min we were able to feel better alike "fresh air". Beware some units using ozone since some people are sensitive to it.