Derasa Clam

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Feb 1, 2009
I have had one for about 6 months now in my 90gal. The past wk or so it will not open up fully. I tested the tank for Alk 9.6 cal 415 and MG 1300 and all seems well. I even moved it under different flow conditions nothing :confused: What could it be. I have a maxima anbout 10" away and it is all about opening up when the lights are on. I've notice it has grown new "layers" if that is the right word anymore. Any advice?
This is a mystery with Tridacnids. One day there are fine and all of a sudden they go down hill. Not just clams but SPS and other saltwater animals. I have had in the past a lot of nice SPS, and doing well for months then they started to "RTN" .

Have you changed anything in your system, like salt, additives, etc etc or added any new animals?
No new fish, added a few new chalices to the collection but thats it. Even did a water change thinking that would help, but no luck. I did change bulbs a few months bac(Dec) but thats it. 250W MH's, XM 20K
You might want to bring your calcium up to about 430 / 435. It not that far off but it should your mag divided by 3.

it is not that far out that it would cause an issue with your clam but it might make him / her happy
Inspect the clam very closely, especially near the bysal threads, for pyramidellid snails. They are tiny, and look like grains of rice.

Your calcium is just fine and not the problem. Your idea that it could be flow is another good possibility, that you've already looked into.

Is there any chance that you have any fish nipping on it?
There is something on the clam shell, but they do not look like the snails you mentioned. The "thing" looks like a small, really small snake all curled up. You can see the coil, tube worm of some sort?
Blue/red hermits peppermint (5) and one skunk shrimp and a few emeralds and a SLF crab. None seem to bother him at all. As of this monring the clam is still not opening up fully, atleast where you can see the mantle.