Anyone here read Advanced Aquarist?
Dana Riddle - whom many consider to be "the" lighting guru in this industry/hobby compared MH and LED in an actual test. Real numbers. Real results.
Good read.....
He really gave a favorable analysis of LED, in that they do produce about 20% less light than a 250 watt M (tho the mfgr. markets the unit tested as a 250 watt equivelant) that the actual useable light (PUR) is as good or better than MH.
He makes an interesting reference tohow many of us tend to over-light our aquariums.
When I reflect on a number of acros I have bought that were pale bodied with bright tips - then in my tank, under strong MH light - they turn brown - I am beginning to think Dana has a point......
I hope the prices come WAY down on LEDs - I will try it - for a number of resons: low to no noticeable heat out put means, no need for a chiller, and my room will stay comfortable. Long life means not replacing bulbs every 8-12 months.