Did my coral evacuate it's polyps???

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May 16, 2006
Spokane, Washington, United States
Okay, I've got something in my tank that I have NO idea what it is. Laying on the sand, under and around my Kenya Tree and a Mushroom are these lil' tiny balls. There's about 3 piles of them and probably close to 50 or more of these lil' round things. Above this area is my Monti Cap. The Monti looks fine but I'm wondering if these came from it. They're very light weight and kinda blowing around a lil' with the current. I'm not real good at sizing but would say they're about the size of the eyes in this smiley face....:) Maybe just a tad larger.

Here's a link to pics I just took and uploaded.

http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j210/returnofsid/Salt Water/?action=view&current=100_4033.jpg
http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j210/returnofsid/Salt Water/?action=view&current=100_4032.jpg
http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j210/returnofsid/Salt Water/?action=view&current=100_4031.jpg

I have moved all of these corals recently from the 29 under PC lighting to the 75 under T5 lighting. I've also increased flow quite a bit...A LOT actually.
well you can call me blind dood because i can't see what they are :p .
hmm they look like either little pieces of rocks ... are you sure your kid didn't go throwing marbles in your tank :p .
I am probably wrong, as usual, but it reminds me of the things coral release when they are trying to reproduce. Spawning usually follows a large change in the corals surroundings, so moving tanks and changing water some with new flow and light seems to me like a potential spawning cause. GL
i thought when corals spawn they throw tiny ones and not that big :p... but hey you never know... may be they went crazy when they were at it and now you got those balls :lol: :p .
Gab, I think he said they were they're about the size of the eyes in this smiley face:) Maybe just a tad larger. (smaller than the eyes on this screamer?:eek: ) OK how about the size of these rolled eyes:rolleyes: ?

I think they are really just one more excellent example of the famous yet not often seen, at least in this part of the state: tiny roundish thingys
lol!! is there a way you can get a macro shot? that'd help a little bit more :p:D.
Otherwise if you pm Nikki she could come up with a link :lol:.
After seeing the pictures I can say I'm pretty sure they are not snail eggs. I can't say what they are. It is possible they are gametes but could be something else too. In all of the spawning events I have witnessed the gametes have been quite buoyant and either risen to the surface quickly or been nearly neutral buoyant and swirled around the tank. I have only seen it a few times in person so there could certainly be other scenarios.
In the mass spawning events that have been shown on TV the eggs usually rise also to become part of the plankton and drift away on the current.

Mike, are there any corals in there from my tank...because it almost looks like the type of substrate I use called Reef Base
Jake, let me think, the Kenya Tree is in there. Maybe a couple others...but if I remember right, you gave them all to me unattached and I attached them. My memory could be wrong though. Hmmm, the Kenya Tree was attached to a snail shell when you gave it to me...it is next to the snail shell...maybe some of your substrate was in the shell...lol. Hadn't thought about that.
LOL That's definately what it is!! Too funny. All this time, I was worried that something happened to my Monti, or that it was snail or coral eggs. It's just your substrate. Funny that I've had it for awhile and never even noticed it in with the crushed coral substrate in my 29!! Thanks for clearing that up!!! Mystery Solved
Good to hear Mike, I actually wish I didnt have thiskind of substrate, its to brownish for me. But dont really want to hassle with changing it out until I set up a new tank and use the nice clean white sand:)