Digitate Hydroids

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Feb 11, 2007
Spokane, WA
Anybody had any luck getting rid of these? I read somewhere about a nudibranch that may help (just can't find where i saw that at). Any ideas as to which one and where to get a few?
Thanks in advance,
If the rock is easily accessible, I recommend a portable blow torch and burn the things to kingdom come. They pack a nasty sting.

If the rock is not easily accessible, I've heard of people using kalk paste (but you need to watch your pH level).
Yeah, I've read about those solutions also but have ruled them out as there are too many to deal with that way. These things spread like wildfire. So far everything but the ricordia have tolerated these things, but I'm tired of watching the mushrooms melt away into nothing. Between the water changes and total system volume - my water parameters remain unchanged at a ph of 8.3, alk between 8-11dkh, CA at 420-450, Mg at 1290-1360, with no detectable nitrates or phosphates.
What I would like to try is a couple of blue sea dragon nudibranches (Pteraeolidia ianthina) but have not been able to locate any yet. Any ideas where to obtain these?
Yikes! Looks like I have them as well, I am going to hitch hike along with this thread.
We are currently checking to see if we can get them for tuesday May 22cnd. Here are some pictures. I don't know what looks more menacing...the hydroid or the nudi about to eat it!:shock:
Hey, how about a nudibranche loaner program? I'd be willing to pay a fee to let one loose in my tank then bring it back, rather than have it starve once its done.
Hey, how about a nudibranche loaner program? I'd be willing to pay a fee to let one loose in my tank then bring it back, rather than have it starve once its done.

That would be best organized by hobbyists or the club and would be the responsible way to maintain these nudis. Since we don't have hydroids here they would starve in our tanks as well. If we can get them, I will only be bringing in a few to meet special orders.

Sounds good, let me know when they come in.
LarryB, I too would hate to see these starve; so if you want, we can work something out when they're done with mine. I'm sure that if these work, we can find enough people to pass these around for a bit.
well, its interesting. I think I must of had an outbreak of these things, cause for a few nights there were a ton of them, now I am down to just a very few. The only 2 things I have done differently are increased the flow and added a banded coral shrimp. The shrimp is always picking at the rocks at night, maybe he is eating them?
There are chemical remedy's such as panacur but unfortantley the medication is abosrbed into the rocks and can leach out over the course of many years. The chemical remedies are fatal to inverts for many years.

Don't know if that helps or not?

I have had a 6 line wrasse who thought thye were appetizing.
I really hope the nudibranch comes available. It would take years for them to starve in my tank. :D barrierreefcf, do you think they would take care of this?

My guess would be that they would but I did not personally do the research on which species of hydroids they will eat. I know there is someone over at RC who is being really secretive about an animal his wholesale company is going to start importing to eat hydroids. Apparently they are waiting for permits. Its a safe bet that its these nudibranchs. Hopefully something will happen soon!
My guess would be that they would but I did not personally do the research on which species of hydroids they will eat. I know there is someone over at RC who is being really secretive about an animal his wholesale company is going to start importing to eat hydroids. Apparently they are waiting for permits. Its a safe bet that its these nudibranchs. Hopefully something will happen soon!

Great info! Yeah, hopefully it will be REALLY soon. I'd pick one of them up in a heartbeat.
Has anyone tried boiling water? I've tried Joe's Juice with very limited results and now resort to tweezing them from around the corals.
Has anyone tried boiling water? I've tried Joe's Juice with very limited results and now resort to tweezing them from around the corals.

I have. Although this was not done in the tank. I boiled the whole rock. Very good results. :lol: