dimdims tank thread !

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So i did some test after the tank being up for a month! This is my second nitrate test 1st phosphate test and here are my results nitrates are ZERO! Completly ZERO! I am not using any skimmer at all. Just a filter bag and some carbon in my hob filter, phosphates are lower then expected, i started with tap, to keep my dkh stable from the get go, now doing every top off and water change with distilled. My schedual is every tuesday a 3 1/2 gallon water change of a 35 gallon display :) just thought id share !!
That sounds good. It seems to me that you can start adding some of the corals you want to stock now that your water quality is stable. Maybe you can expand your damsels' diet a little. I'm sure you are being conscientious about not polluting the tank but with your water change schedule your fish could safely eat every day with even some marine cuisine or other frozen food once in a while without a problem. I cut the cubes in half or thirds.
That sounds good. It seems to me that you can start adding some of the corals you want to stock now that your water quality is stable. Maybe you can expand your damsels' diet a little. I'm sure you are being conscientious about not polluting the tank but with your water change schedule your fish could safely eat every day with even some marine cuisine or other frozen food once in a while without a problem. I cut the cubes in half or thirds.

+1 i feed once every two weeks one mysis shrimp cube usually cut in half, im going to be adding a grogonian, duncan, one zoa rock, any other thoughts on stocking? I lovee candy canes and plate corals ! My water smells odd though...
Whoa, if your water smells off, don't do anything yet! That can definitely be a red flag that something is amiss. Can you identify what it smells like?
Like a bad day at the beach. My temp is high, 80 degrees, i have to keep it at 78 on my thermo heater due to temp swings at night, my light fixture raises the top thirds temp 2 degrees. The smell makes me want to gag in strong portions, but its not anywhere u less u sniff the edge of the tank all readings seem fine, corals are growing, had two hermits pass, and my nassarius cleaned em up i dont understand the smell and why, or where its coming from its super strong right at the edge of the tank but it isnt noticed standing infront of the tank looking at it from a ft away
Running carbon is good and the filter floss can't hurt. If you have any bio-zyme or TLC, one of those beneficial bacteria boost, I'd add that too. Keep an eye on your ammonia, nitrites, nitrates and pH.and see how it goes for the next day or so.
Filter floss can be a nitrate factory......as for the smell look for food on the edge of the tank that may have not made it n during feeding. I have had that happen and it gets damp and stinks really bad. But keep that floss changed out regularly if your going to use it. The crud it traps starts to break down and can cause some nitarte problems.
The smell is coming from the water, and my nitrates are testing zero. Ammo 0. Everything 0 that needs to be zero. Except for phosphates. Oops lol. Anyways. Im guessing the smell is coming from organic matter dissolving. As i dont have a skimmer, there is no where for the protein or waste to be absorbed out of the water column... Therefore making the tank smell like the collection cup of a skimmer?
It smells like algae... Thats what ive narrowed it down to. I have phosphates in the water, could this be causing my stench? Unwanted algaes? I have brown hair algae coming from my diatoms in the sandbed, and green hair algae, also some red... Which i believe is coraline starting out as it is lightening to a pinky colour.

What would be the best way to remove phospates ? I am topping off with distilled water that is reading .002 phosphate reading..

Thinking about buying a hob fuge skimmer combo...
Not a big enough tank and i dont trust myself to make an overflow. Could 1400gph in a 35 g tank cause the smell?
I don't know of phosphates themselves creating an odor in a tank, but they definitely contribute to growing algae. There are products that help remove phosphates that can be purchased at your LFS. A hob fuge/skimmer I think would be a worthwhile investment anyway, even if you weren't having an odor problem and it might just solve this.
Im probably going to buy a combo skimmer fuge from ebay? Anyone else have good hob fuge suggestions? Or combo suggestions?
CPR Aquafuge AeroForce. Fuge with skimmer combined. I've been running the Aquafuge for 2yrs now on my 26g and love it. Just wish I would have gotten the AeroForce :(
Im probably going to buy a combo skimmer fuge from ebay? Anyone else have good hob fuge suggestions? Or combo suggestions?

IMO the largest volume of fuge the better. Again IMO if the fuge volume is less than 10% of your DT it will not be large enough to do the job it is intended to do.
Peppie I agree that the bigger the better but. There are always the exceptions :) I've been running a 3.3g Aquafuge on my 26g for two years now and have been very successful. It contains a 2" aragonite SB, chaeto and a few pieces of LR rubble.
Peppie I agree that the bigger the better but. There are always the exceptions :) I've been running a 3.3g Aquafuge on my 26g for two years now and have been very successful. It contains a 2" aragonite SB, chaeto and a few pieces of LR rubble.

10 % of 26 is 2.6 gallons, you exceed my theory by .7 gals