dimdims tank thread !

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Lawnmower blennies are cute in a prehistoric way. I like all the coral you chose too, especially candy cane. When you get everything situated, we'd like to see some pics!
I'm assuming the odor went away? And how are your phosphates? Xenia actually utilize phosphates for energy. I've heard some reef tank owners say their tanks were too nutrient poor to sustain Xenia. I never had that problem. LOL
Smell went away, i went out of town for 5 days.. YIKES! Lol i was so nervous. I did the routine maintenence the day before i left, asked my dad to top up with distilled each day at the same time and he did. I was expecting a stinky basement when i came home, but the carbon pad worked ! No smell! And phosphates are on the decline at .25 now and little hair algae to show for it!:) this zenia is fantastic.. I cant wait to get a pic up, i spent 67 bucks for all this livestock
GSP grows so prolifically, IMO you wouldn't want such a large piece in your tank. I am continually cutting mine and throwing it away as it can take over if you are not careful. See if there is a reef club in your area that you can get plugged into and someone will be happy to give you GSP.
I have it on the sandbed, as i cant seem to attach the mat to a rock, ive tried too many times with epoxy, krazy glue gel, nothing works for me.. Ive been unsuccesful in attaching frags to rocks.
Actually the sand bed is a very good place for GSP. It will settle in and start growing like crazy, just be patient. If its in an area with moderate flow the polyps will extend and it'll look like a field of grass blowing in the wind. The mat can be trimmed to the size you want on the sand bed, once it attaches to your LR its a bear to remove if it gets someplace you don't want it.
okay so here are the pics! my pulsing xenia isnt quite pulsing..its tough to tell in the current? i plan on moving him up higher by next monday. everything is awesome! and my lawnmower blenny aka bruce has a happy full belly already !
any id on the zoas?


Mandarins need pretty big well established tanks to meet their dietary needs of copepods. In tanks that are too small they will waste away after they eat all the available pods. Ideally the pods are reproducing in a fuge where there are no predators, so the fuge replenishes the DT.
Your lawnmower blenny is very cute and he appears to have gotten plenty to eat. Frags look nice too. Afraid I don't know my zoas so can't help there.
Awesome, i dont think im going to add many more fish other then a clown and a shrimp/goby combo. Was thinking about a foxface as well many more corals tho! Thinking of finger leathers, hammer, brain, lobo, torch, duncan, and my favourite... Gorgonian ! Lol
I have it on the sandbed, as i cant seem to attach the mat to a rock, ive tried too many times with epoxy, krazy glue gel, nothing works for me.. Ive been unsuccesful in attaching frags to rocks.

Maybe I can help.
1st dont be affraid to use the krazy glue gel.
What you want to do is take the coral piece out of the tank and add a dab of glue to the bottom.
dip it in the water to create a film on the glue. Add a little more and dip it to create the film. Do this 3-4 times and then place the coral in the tank and rub the glue against the rock to break that film then hold it firmly for a few more seconds depending on how big the coral is will depend on how much glue you will want to use and how long you will need to hold it in place until the glue sets.
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A few times eh, that must be my problem! Most of my corals dont need to be propagated.. I have my frogspawn and candy cane sticking in the sand bed, gsp is on the sandbed and my zoa frag is currently on a plug in the sandbed, plan on moving to a crater on some lacerock for secure positioning,