disappearing ick???

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That quote makes no sense. I would like to see the paper. Are they saying they infected fish with ick, the ick fell of and then they removed the fish and the ick survived for months going through 34 cycles with no fish ??
I have noticed that Ick seems to be very obvious in the morning when the lights first come on. Later in the day it apears o improve but it does not really go away. I think the lights drive the ick deep in to the tissue of the fish
You would have to contact ATJ, I have tried to find the abstract and keep coming up with pay sites except for this.

As far as I understand it, as long as there is a fish host present the same parasite can only continue through 34 cycles until it can no longer reproduce and the parasite dies out.

Sounds like good news tmkx3, keep an eye on it & keep it a good home with high quality H2O & you should be ok.
As far as I understand it, as long as there is a fish host present the same parasite can only continue through 34 cycles until it can no longer reproduce and the parasite dies out.

That was what I thought they meant. Which for the most of us makes no sense, as it is really not the same parasite/s but "off-springs" of the orginal parasite or clones. So, that 1 year is very misleading. What they are saying is that if you have ick and the fish is not treated and does not die from the ick, the ick will burn itself out in 1 year or so.

Yup, you have to pay for aticles usally in prof journals

This morning there was nothing. (third day)

Both Steve and I wll tell you that means nothing. Once the parasite falls to the bottom it usally takes about 7 day or so to reappear, as the parasites is going through celluar divsion which takes time usaully. Each one that fell off will produce a few hundered new parasites. Go bakc and read steves link, you will se this.\

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Poorly worded in that regard, yes I would agree. Never hurts to get things clarified though. The "possibility" (for lack of a better term) it conveys is what I was pointing to.
