Disappearing snails

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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2003
Portsmouth, OH
Everytime I buy snails for my tank they end up disappearing. A few months ago I bought 10 new turbo snails because the ones I had previously bought were gone. At one time I caught my coral bandid shrimp pulling one out of his shell but he now only has one arm so he is less aggressive than before. Now all of the ten turbos I bought are gone. Nothing left but the shells. Could something be killing them or do you think they just fell off the rock on their backs and died before being discovered? I haven't noticed anything eating them.

My current livestock includes: (I don't have a lot.)
Maroon clown
percula clown
green chromis
sand sifting star
coral bandid shrimp
scarlet skunk shrimp
Long tentacle anemone
Beeba - how long before you notice them dying off? Do you have sufficient algae to support them? How are your acclimation procedures? Have you tried ordering/purchasing snails from somewhere else to rule out a problem at the LFS?
I've purchased from several places so that doesn't seem to be the issue. I definitely have plenty of hair algae for them to graze on so that shouldn't be the problem either. They don't disappear quickly but just after awhile I start noticing they are scarce. I just don't know.
i had the same problem, i went to the lfs to ask them why this was happening and he tested my water and there was something wrong with the PH, maybe you should have your ph tested. just a suggestion.
That never crossed my mind. Do you remember what your PH was? My last PH test was 8.1. It has been between 8.1 and 8.4 for the past year.
According to what I've researched the PH should be between 8.0 and 8.4 so I think mine is okay.
yeah, you're ph looks fine, I think your idea of the snails falling on their backs might be one of the best...I would say to test something else but if the anemones are ok then it probably isn't something in the water.

Have you tried checking the tank after lights out? There are several species of predaceous snails that could have made their way in on LR. Wouldn't take very long for them to multiply either.

Extremely low/cronic Ca problems can also be a contributor.
