Disappearing Wrasse?

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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2008
Marysville, WA
I bought what I believe is and eight line wrasse about a week ago and never seen him since I put him in. My tank is 90 gallons with 130lbs of live rock and I only have some snails and two peppermint shrimp that in there. I know they are good at hiding but I have never seen it since I put it in not even once. Should I just start taking out rocks to find him or just leave it alone? I have been feeding some frozen mysis shrimp just every couple of days and put in a little bit of flake food hoping he would come out. I was told he might stay hiding until I get some other fish in there is that true?

Also I let the tank run with live rock that went straight from a tank that was up for eight years into this tank and I let it run for about a month before adding any fish. I put the peppermint shrimp in a couple of weeks after the rock to clear up some aptesia. I have tested the water a few times and everything seems like it is right where it should be. I did notice last time my calcium was a little high though.

Brian I don't have a eight line wrasse but, I have a Six line and multiple Leopard wrasses any time i move rock work in the tank it stresses them out. I would recommend you waiting 2-3 more days to see if it comes out did you do any chemistry on your tank before adding this fish? I get the live rock was cycled but how old is the rest of the system 30 days? all wrasse's are pretty hard fish for a first fish, I hope you see it soon.
Brian I don't have a eight line wrasse but, I have a Six line and multiple Leopard wrasses any time i move rock work in the tank it stresses them out. I would recommend you waiting 2-3 more days to see if it comes out did you do any chemistry on your tank before adding this fish? I get the live rock was cycled but how old is the rest of the system 30 days? all wrasse's are pretty hard fish for a first fish, I hope you see it soon.

I did test the water before adding anything to my tank and everything seemed good I'm using an api test kit I know it's not the best and I will replace it later on. I had ten peppermints shrimp in there and after they ate all my aptesia I gave some to a friend. I also read multiple articles on the eight line wrasse before I got one. Here is a link to one of the places I read about them on maybe I have been mislead?

Most wrasses are known for jumping as well. You may want to check around your tank on the floor and check your overflow if you have one. Mine made it into the overflow twice before I got a screen over it.
I just double checked no fishy behind the tank and I have screens over my over flows. I think he is just hiding because the other morning when we got up I walked into the living room and all the sudden the tank was like a cloud of dust. I think we spooked the fish because it was just like someone swished the sand up on the bottom.
