Disaster Strikes!!!

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2003
:mad: :mad: :mad: :eek: :( :( Well It started off as a good day with WSU (Go Cougs) beating UW, but then it all went wrong quickly. I got a call at5:15 pm from my wife telling me that my tank was about 3/4 empty and the pumps were running dry. Keep in mind I just put on a brand new sequence hammerhead. Well I was at work about 45 minutes away and had to try and get a hold of my boss so I could leave. To make a long story short she wasn't kidding the tank that I had sps and clams in was high and dry. Luckily my loving wife, though disgusted, put my clams and a coral or two in the six inches of remaining water. By the time I got home most of my corals were dry, but I made a couple of calls and Chuck Fiterman came over and I gave him my garf purple bonsai colony( about baseball size) and a few of other colonies and frags to save and Dr Deano is going to help save some more. I will have a 12" X 8 or 9" orange M. capricornis if any body wants it and promises to give me a frag back when my tank is ready again. There will be a softball size pocillipora colony and some other frags if people are interested. All I ask is to get a frag back when my tank is up again. Well it been one of those days and I need to go refill the tank with the next bucket of RO. Enough whining the tank will rise again.

Oh my goodness, that is aweful! Well did you find the source of where all your water departed the system? If you want me to hold anything for you let me know, but I won't be able to come by until tuesday so I probably won't be any help. If you want to drop anything off let me know and I will just hold it for ya.
How awful!!! I know exactly how you must be feeling. We had the same thing happen when a seam split on our tank several years ago and we woke up to an empty tank. It's horrifying! I'm can hold some of your corals for you also, have a 180 with some extra room and good lighting. I'm in Puyallup, but I could meet you somewhere halfway if it would help.

Susie :)
ohh dood that's just so horrible, thank the wife was there to save a few corals.
i wish i could help you dood, but my tank is just a softie tank unless you have lps that you wanna drop, my tank is free for you.
how about your fishes, did you have any fishes in there?
like i said i'm really sorry dood.
Don't share your flavor of football *weeping after the apple cup*, but am horrified to hear of your situation. Don't know where you are located, but can provide a frag of orange cap (Elmo brand!) when you're ready to go again...
Unfortunately, I have good lighting but limited space (and flatworms) for the time being :(

Let us know how you make out.
Well it is 1 am and I finally was able to do part RO and the rest tap water(hated to do i, but I had no choice still had some fish and a few corals left in their. I am tired and going to bed thanks all for the offer and if anybody is looking for large orange cap and pocillipora let me know cuase I need to get rid of them. Thanks for everybodies concern.

Sorry to hear about this! Definately keep us updated!
:( Sorry to hear that Chris:( That sucks bigtime:cry: You didn't say if your house got flooded by it. I hope you didn't recieve any damage if so...Good luck on getting things back together. Sorry I can't be much of a help to you, because I'm kinda far away, but it's good to see that Chuck lent you a helping hand and also, so many other are willing to help...Take it easy and good luck again...
So sorry to hear about the event. You have some really nice, well established colonies as well. I am glad your wife was home to help salvage things. If you need someone to hold on to some stuff for you, I have room in my tank.

What was the source of the leak? Was it an intake for a closed loop? Must have been something low in the tank unless it split.

Sorry for the losses. Sounds like people in this thread in Puyallup Already have a space for you if needed. Hope you figured out what happened as we are all curious.
Thanks everyone. The leak turned out to be from a hose running from my closed loop to my chiller popped off for no reason(forgot to clamp it). Luckily I had just recently put in pergo and I had moved the tank out to the garage and so very little damage was done to the house. I am not sure how the corals faired I talked to DR Deano tonight and he said three of the frags that I tried to save died but some were still going and I am not sure about the colonies chuck has. I lost all of the few corals that I left in the tank, but the fish are all alive. I am going to take this as a chance to bake my rocks and add a spray bar for some more coverage. I love watching frags grow anyways, it gives me a chance to maybe think about doing and all milli tank. That would look good. Thanks for everything.

Hey Chris

The coral are doing okay so far. Will keep you posted to see how they are doing after a few days. Sorry you have to be going through this. Hopefully when the tank is back up and running you can get them back from me
Well my big orange cap is officially dead and the only coral left in my tank is the pocillopora. What can you do? Well I think I am going to start baking some of my rock this weekend and get the tank back on track. Thanks for the update chuck it does my heart good. Let the fun begin!!!!;)

I hate to say it but the coral was not looking good when I came home. I will give it another day. Trying to keep it all out of the direct light, like either at the bottom of the tank or way to the sides. I am sure it was stressed pretty good. Haven't given up on them yet though.
Hi Chris. Hang in there!!!

i Woke up to a nice rattling noise one night, dry external pump...smoke coming out, no water in sump....just bad news.

I think this kind of thing strengthens us. I know it sucks for it to happen to anyone, but I think we learn to appreciate the hobby just that much more.

If you lost any clowns, just let me know, and I'll see what i can do.


Hey Chris......you really are keeping your head up on this! I once had a rock tumble over in the sump and break the water heater...zapped everything. Now i have a titanium heater. I guess if you are in this hobby for a while these things happen. Live and Learn! I just know the new tank will really rock!