Disease in my Tank!

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2005
I need to vent.

So I was at the LFS with hubby and he just loved the cute green chromis. So I said, okay sweetie, we can get a few of the little "salt water guppies" for our tank, just to add movement. SO I take em home, aclimate them, and toss em in. First time EVER not to set up the QT and go through the motions. Well slap me out. ONE of the chromis showed signs of ich(?) but I figured, "stress brings that out, he'll get comfortable and get better" which he did. But a couple of weeks go by and now my Juvenile Hippo Tang looks HORRIBLE!!! (I was away for Easter and got back to that!) Now I see my R Gramma, Coral Beauty and my pellet eating Mandrin have ich as well! ARGH - so I had to (GASP) treat my main tank. I am so angry with myself risking my entire stock just for some stupid goldfish! :mad: BAD BAD Shauna!!!

Sigh, I'll take advice on how to keep my stock, and how you guys have dealt with this disease. This is my first outbreak. :cry:
Shauna that really bites.. So I'm guessing the cleaner shrimp didnt help their finned friends out huh.

I have always relied on my cleaners to take care of any stress induced ich. I'm affraid the active solution requires transporting the infected fish into a remote tank and treating them, be it hyposalinity treatment or medication.
Sorry to hear that Shauna:doubt: I've never had ich in my tank so never had to treat it...I hope you get things sorted out:)
I can't remember right now what I'm using, but it is a copper free/reef safe orange liquid. I started dosing before I knew it was ich, and this med doesn't treat ich. SO I'm going to have to pick up the ich "version" on the way home tonight. It's pretty diluted, the dose is 1oz for 10 gal
GOODNESS - Catching all of my fish! Daunting thought! Is there an easy way to catch fish when you are all rockscaped?
You could take this time to change your aquascaping. Thats what I had to do. catch a fish, take out a rock, catch another take out a rock, ect...
water pitcher. Feed into the pitcher, slap a net over the top when the fish go in. magic damsel catcher.