I suffered a setback. After filling the tank with saltwater. I noticed an oily film on the surface of the water. Just to be safe, I decided to drain the tank. I took the garden hose and sprayed down all the surfaces. I filled the tank back up and the next day it was leaking. It was not a bad leak and my tank is on a tile floor. So, there was not any major damage, but I was not happy at all. When I was spraying down the tank, the jet of water must have broke lose the edge of the rubber. Over night the rubber completely separated from the glass. I did read that the product does not adhere well to glass. In the instructions they sent me for constructing a plywood/glass aquarium, it did not mention doing any prep work to the glass. They did send me a separate set of instructions that had section in it on glass installation. I believe it mentioned etching the glass. I guess I should have had the edges etched. I ended up draining the sump completely. I trimmed the loose edge of the liner off the glass. I am going to run a bead of aquarium silicon between the rubber and glass. This was very disappointing. I was hopping to have frags growing in the sump by now. Hopefully the silicon will do the trick?