Diy reactor....really???

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2012
Roy, WA
So I ordered a reactor, but has yet to get here (ETA 2 weeks), and I'm a little impatient so I started looking up DIY "hold me over". Came across this one, seems almost too easy to be true, but looks like the same general concept. Thoughts anyone? Downsides to this design?? Or is this guy who "designed" this on to something?

theoretically it will work. what size tank do you have?? and it might be better to just run a filter pad for time being. there are also mesh filter socks for that purpose. just put it in a high flow area.
I have a 46 bowfront with a 20 gal sump. I was thinking of using it with GFO in it, but wasn't quite sure if it will work, or have the same effect. Trying to lower phosphates in my tank and was trying to do it sooner then later.
If you have any baffles I would put a phosguard filter in between one.there super thin and about $8 for a dubble what you would need.

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I for one have a hard time trusting ghetto rigged equipment. Along with not fully knowing it really is working like it should.

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Yeah I have a hard time trusting some of these ghetto rigged DIYthings too. THats why I ask. lol.Thanks for your help Mercenary!!
My main concern would be if it started leaking. Not sure how well that bottle will hold up over time. And the lid connection doesn't seem like it would last that long....

Pick up a phosban reactor used on the classifieds. They are up fairly frequently for cheap
Thanks Jr, yeah those were most of my concerns too. I did order a phosban reactor, I just have about a week or so until it arrives and was getting a little impatient. lol. But I'd rather be safe then sorry and totally screw stuff up because I couldn't wait a few more days. =)
I for one have a hard time trusting ghetto rigged equipment. Along with not fully knowing it really is working like it should.

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So I ordered a reactor, but has yet to get here (ETA 2 weeks), and I'm a little impatient so I started looking up DIY "hold me over". Came across this one, seems almost too easy to be true, but looks like the same general concept. Thoughts anyone? Downsides to this design?? Or is this guy who "designed" this on to something?


"this guy" undertheradar, is john hahnmeister, and probably one of the singular best DIY'ers there ever was.
absolutely brillant idea for a media reactor for just about everything except pellets... and maybe even them too if the bottle has the right shape. Skimmy, in your opinion this would be a good "reactor" to good to "hold me over" til my actual reactor arrives? Honestly I have all the materials needed to make one left over from plumbing parts of my tank/sump, minus the Gatorade bottle, in which I'm actually taking care of as we speak. It all just looked too good to be true, something so simple that could work so well? I guess it won't hurt to try it out, I'm just kind of new to this whole thing and trying to be extra careful with adding new stuff to my set up, especially the DIY stuff.
the only issue as i see has been addressed, which is the quality of the plastic its self...
wot a simply elegant way to do a reactor, and most certainly will hold u over.

most people dont even consider if using crappy vinyl hose is leeching crap into the water,and its very poor stuff.
i wish silicone hose was easy and cheaper to get, id use that exclusively for plumbing,
as many do in germany/italy.
Personally, I'd get a TLF Phosban reactor and call it a day. They are pretty reasonable priced, can be used internally or externally and with the twist top, easy to change out media. Some times, "Better safe than sorry". :)
diy stuff to me can be very fun, but in the end I find I don't save the amount of money I thought I would. example being I just spent $91 on the local hardware store hooking up my new chiller. kinda left me dazed and confused how a couple of bulkheads,unions, valves, hose clamps and hose, and misc fittings added up that fast.