DIY Sump/Prophalytic Weld-On 16?

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Apr 27, 2005
I have just finished and tested the first sump I have ever built. It measures 2'x3'. I used 1/4'' acrylic and weld on 4. It holds water, so I am excited. I was wondering if I should put a bead of thick weld on (say 16) around the inside edges, or is this over kill and not necessary. Also two places on my baffle system are leaking slightly inside. Would it matter to do them as well? I will post pictures in a couple of hours.
Thanks for any help,

If you happen to have the Weld-On 16... go ahead and place a bead along all your edges. It definately won't hurt ya guy!

Congrats on completing your project! I know how good it feels when you actually get a project together, step back and just have that "Daym... I did good!" feeling!

Congrats! Looking forward to seeing your pictures.
Wont hurt if its cast. If its extruded, it will craze and weaken the joints and panels.

weld-on 16 would cure the baffle problem and would be fine for an insurance policy on the seams. Another trick is to cut small strips ( 3/8 or 1/2" wide and weld them along all the seams. It helps to reduce stress on the seam itself, allthough it is usually not pretty to look at. All of Eric's fish tanks and the 750gal shark tank at the Shark Reef are built using this method. You can either weld the strips in with 4 or 16. (I would use the 4)