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making this external and the stopper issues are easily solved via a very long main shaft, like the kolin's. external, internal, no big problems with either. the problem is the on/off action (or soft start) and the timing circuit. Don you out there...? have any ideas?
would there be a way to make it last longer, lets say a dc powerhead that went from low throttle (letting water into the box) to full throttle (pushing water out of the box)?
A different way to turn on and off the ac powerhead for longivity?
its not that simple of oh the box is full now lets empty it until its low and turn the power head, and al la wave box.
there is very precise timing involved, to achieve a wave in the display tank, that is different for everyones tank. the timing isnt for the water in the maxijet box iteself. it doesnt matter where the level is and how much is going up or down, its all about timing for the wave in the main tank.
Don ... do you foresee user adjustable timers?
is this the universal module that your speaking of?