Do I need any padding under a glass tank on a hard surface

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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2004
Covington, Washington
If I go with a glass tank and build my own maple cabinet stand, would I need to put a piece of padding on the hard countertop surface under the tank?

Let's say the top of my stand was granite,tile or even formica, what is the best way to ensure an even weight distribution and avoid possible damage? My thought is to make the countertop surface larger than the tank to allow me to set food or whatever I am working on next to the tank.

One school of thought is to build the top out of wood and then surround the tank with a trim piece of granite (a 4" wide u-shape that surrounds the front three sides)

any thoughts or suggestions on this one?
I have always used a piece of styrofoam under every tank over 20 gallons.

Having a edge to set stuff on up front is really handy, keeps from knocking things into the tank, like chemicals, additives.
Depends on the manufacturer of your tank. If it's a new tank some manufacturers will void the warranty if you place anything under it, some suggest putting foam. Tanks with plastic trim are not designed to have anything under them also if I recall correctly. If you are buying a new tank, check with mfg.
As mentioned The glass tanks with the rim at the bottom put all of the weight on the outer edges, putting a foam pad under that could lead to a Crack or shatter. Custom manufacturers may not use that rim & then you really need to have a level & flat surface, very important, I would go with the manufacturer recommendations. My 100g tank had a plastic rim & the stand had no bottom to it, just an outer ledge to rest the tank rim on.
My thought is to make the countertop surface larger than the tank to allow me to set food or whatever I am working on next to the tank.

One school of thought is to build the top out of wood and then surround the tank with a trim piece of granite (a 4" wide u-shape that surrounds the front three sides)

any thoughts or suggestions on this one?

You have already gotten excellent advice on the foam - determine if the tank is edge-supported or fully-supported along the bottom and proceed accordingly.

As far as a rim on your stand - I used some 3/4"-thick oak around the base of my tank. The piece is about 3" wide, and I ended up going around all four sides. I did this for two purposes - it will keep the tank from sliding horizontally in the event of an earthquake, and also it provides someplace to rest my hands when I am leanng down for a close look into the tank.
I am with Finn and Don on foam at least for larger tanks. It adds some shock cushion in case of falling rock and helps keep it from sliding in this seismic zone we live in.