Does live sand really speed up cycling time?

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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I figured it might. It's kind of funny how the bag says add sand and you're ready for fish, no waiting.
I added 20 lbs to my 30 and about 10 lbs of cured LR from my other tank and the second day the ammonia and nitrite is up.

Try this when you get a new tank --- test for Ammonia, Nitrite --- move everything, all your gravel, rock, pumps, filters, etc,. to a new tank. Wait 24-hours and test again.

Feed normally!

You can't cheat now and use the old UGF or large wet/dry filter with bio-balls etc,.

Report back your readings!


Live sand will induce or start a cycle just like live rock. Its the dead material that gets it going. The rate at which the actual cycle takes place after it starts will not be any shorter. It may be even longer depending on how much decaying matter is in the live sand.
Note that the origional poster said "bought a bag of live sand" on a shelf in a store.....who knows how long that bag has been there or what the qty/quality of bacteria is still alive and present. You most likely did much better by addind the 10 pounds of live rock fresh from your established tank.
I agree with rockyheap those bags of sand are supposedly good for 12 months but considering the way they are vacuum sealed I just don't know. a lot of companies also fail to put very much water in there. live rock and getting a few pounds of sand from someone else's system is probably best
I don't think it speeds up the initial bacterial establisment nearly to the point of justifying the additional cost of store-bought bagged "live" sand....better off spending the money elsewhere IMO...
