does moonlight induce spawning?

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2007
was wondering if anybody uses moonlights especially those who use a controller of some sort to replicate the lunar cycle. any notices on spawning? im thinking about getting moonlights that is controlled for the lunar cycle....any suggewstions or brands? or is this a waste of money.. thanks e erybody:)
I was going to comment on the conception of my first child, but I guess that would be inappropriate ...

Back on-topic: I thought I remembered reading something about moonlight and anemones in Wilkerson's book, but don't have it handy to check right now.
I was going to comment on the conception of my first child, but I guess that would be inappropriate ...

Back on-topic: I thought I remembered reading something about moonlight and anemones in Wilkerson's book, but don't have it handy to check right now.

was it something like the movie "animal" starring rob shcnieder?(sp) when he had the urge :):),

but back to the topic, do you use moonlight on your reef?
I do not. When we set my son's tank up, we included wiring and the light socket for a moonlight. Unfortunately, we never got around to adding the X10 dimmer stuff to do te moonlight (yet ...)
In our biocube when you don't have either of the lights on, the moonlights come on. I assume this is to make you feel good about spending lots of money on a glass cube, but it's pretty cool.
i got the cheap moonlight ones off of a auction site, and was curious about the ones sold with lunar cycle. true, i use mine too, to see how my money is doing in the dark.
In my experience, a red light is good to "see how hour money is doing in the dark". Most of the stuff we put in our tank don't "see" the red light, so they continue normal night-time behavior. For example, a bubble coral looks totally different in night-time feeding mode as opposed to daytime suck-up-the-light mode. Many of the critters come out at night and are fun to watch scurrying around. Some crabs and shrimp are more nocturnal as well.

I just use the smallest incandescent red bulb I can find (that fits a normal, vapor-proof socket). It comes on for about 2 hours after lights out, and then again for about an hour or two before lights on in the morning.
:oops:well, my moonlights shorted out last night, so it gives me a chance to buy one of the moonlight lunars. i'll let ya know how they work out;)
i just think moon lights are cool i sit at night and watch tank theres alot going on in the dark mine are chearys from dr fosters ive used black lights tubes there cool but take up lots room high intense leds work good also
nothing can replicate mother nature cycles maybe you should look at it another way do corals spawn without moonlight? I guess those out there that have witnessed this in their tanks are the ones qualified to answer it, i use blue light at night myself, i guess in the hope that they will spawn but probably not, but does help to extend the viewing. I thought of buying a lunar cycle controller but wont bother now seems theres not much benefit in it. I guess it would soon loose favour anyway due to the fact something will be going on in the tank a quarter moon and your going to turn the lights on to see it. lol