Dogface Puffer

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Feb 14, 2006
san diego
Hi..I bought a dogface puffer about a month ago. He adapted nicely to my aquarium and seemed to be very happy in his new home until 2 days ago. Two days ago I did a water change and a few hours later I noticed a drastic change in his color (light brown to a very dark brown). He also has puffed up 3 times. I've done a chemical test and checked the salinity and everything is where it should be. Please help me I can't think of anything else to do. Thanks!

well if this is the first water change he has had in his new home he might feel threatened by the intrusion seeing how they normally puff up to scare off would be predators on the colour change ive seen my sail fin tang change clour dramaticlly in seconds when something has spooked him all IMO how could be of help maybe sum1 eles will have a diffrnt insight
can u post a pick of ur puffer if he puffs up again and just in general thanx

hey morgan thanks for replying. here's a pic of my dogface puffed up. it's the best i could this point he was already deflating. he need's help:(
He may be seeing himself in the glass reflection and be scared. If everything checks out ok, try a reduced photo period, and maybe half your lighting. I have read somewhere about someone, sticking airline tubing down their throut and getting air out, but if its water he/she should be able to do it on its own.