dont know what im doing wrong.....

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Well-known member
Jul 7, 2007
University Place, WA
just seams like all my regular mushrooms dont seem to want to come out and flourish like they used to or whenever i bring home a new one it doesnt seem to be very happy....what can cause this?

everything else in the tank including all my florida rics are doing awsome...but there a select few corals that just arent happy and havnt been for some time....corals that have been having problems are my red mushrooms, purple mushrooms and my candycane corals. just interesting how all my brains, frogspawns, gonipora, florida rics, and the rest of my mushrooms/corals are all perfect....

tank specs.

29 gal.
CPR HOB refuge.
bak pak 2 skimmer w/ mesh mod.
dual sattelite 65w X2 (new blulbs)
recently replaced MJ 1200 with a Koralia 3 going to add another #1 or 2 on other side next weekend.
150w heater
cascade canister 700 with carbon ran in it.

Ph - 8.0 to 8.2
amonia- 0
nitrite - 0
nitrate - 5 or so
alk - 3.5ppm
gravity - 1.024
calcium- 425
temp- 78.5-79.5

i add 2 part C-balance daily, feed them a mixture of brine, mysis, flake once a day, feed the corals with a mixture of bioplankton and marineplankton two times a week.

do weekly water changes with IO and RODI water.
skimmer fills up about a cup every 3-5 days.

if anyone has ever had this problem let me know how they fixed it...

thanks again
Like they used to ? New bulbs? New ones don't seem to be happy?

I am not sure but maybe the light for them is too bright try less light farther away from the light on the bottom?

It MAY help.

Have you waited until the lights were off 1 hour or so then looked with a flashlight for any pests?

Do you have any fish that may be nipping at them ?
well the lights arent brand new its been about a month since i replaced them but there pretty much new. like my reds and purples used to be 2-3 inches and now there all shrivled up to 1/2 -1 inch all the time...and with the candy canes there receeding and skeleton is showing. only thing i could think of is maybe a pest...never seen any of my fish nip at them only thing that has ever nipped at a coral is my brand new clown but its cause hes very teritorial about his anenome only when i put my hand in the tank today to move a coral cause it fell he nipped the frogspawn that i had moved guessing he was trying to get my fingers cause he hit my finger right after lol ill try to check in about an hour to see if there are anything in there pestering the corals. any other ideas?
Are you dosing anything that you are not testing for? Such as iodine or strontium?

I never add these things and I know you do water changes often so theres really no point to add anything except to add calcium to your salt etc.
im pretty sure everything is okay with eachother....

i have:

all types of zoos
all sorts of mushrooms,
random florida rics,
kenya trees all over,
yellow polyps,
green star polyps,
two types of candy canes,
two types of frogspawn,
two types of brains,
button polpys,
green bubble anenome
1 acro,
neon green gonipora,

might be missing a few but thats the main ones. none of those are touching eachother besides the mushrooms as they grom together,
and i am running carbon in my filter.
Most probably as the other corals mature they will release toxins that will harm them, I bet If you took them out in a hospital tank they would suddenly pop out again, you have a large mixture of coral that can contaminate each other is such a smaller tank it will be more prevalent as they get bigger.
Most probably as the other corals mature they will release toxins that will harm them, I bet If you took them out in a hospital tank they would suddenly pop out again, you have a large mixture of coral that can contaminate each other is such a smaller tank it will be more prevalent as they get bigger.

I agree...I had a large kenya tree in our 29 gal aquapod. It had actually branched off some frags which took hold on some of the rocks. Anyhow, my wife introduced a medium size toadstool and the large kenya tree when staight to a lump of semi dead kenya tree. I have sinced pulled it and placed it in a frag tank and it is doing decent now. The funny part is the small branches are doing fine but they are not in close proximity of the toadstool.
yeah the only one that i could think of that i put in there and ever since those few have been not as good looking is the i wonder if thats what it is...all i dose is C-balance very little once a day or so has been keeping lvls up.
How close are the candy canes to the frogspawn (they need lots of space and sting/kill things near them that they can touch Look at it at night !!)

Do the candy canes get too much flow at them ? Try giving them less for now as the tissue is receeding! Is the carbon canister clogged?


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actually i moved the candy canes down to the bottom of the tank with more flow and there doing alot better....the mushrooms arent even close to the frogspawn atleast the ones that are shrivled...i have a hairy mushroom right under the frogspawn and thats doing awsome....just cleaned the canister out and everything was fine not clogged...replaced the carbon and the filter pad. but i normally change the filter pad and the carbon every 2 weeks. had to move quite a bit of stuff today due to the anenome moving to a diferent spot so maybe that will help out a bit since new spots sometimes help it seems. put a new peice of liverock in as a shelf rock for the gonipora so it isnt close to anything hope that helps....
if im not mistaken anthony calfo says that gsp's are one of the most toxic/aggressive corals you could have in your aquarium. and we are talking about a 29 gal. aquarium so in the whole scheme of things everything is close to each other
if im not mistaken anthony calfo says that gsp's are one of the most toxic/aggressive corals you could have in your aquarium. and we are talking about a 29 gal. aquarium so in the whole scheme of things everything is close to each other

I second that :)
yeah ive heard that they are very aggressive i keep the frag that i have very small due to that...and away from everything the frag is probably about 2" by 1/2" of them so dont really think that would have anything to do with it....
Mushrooms Like low flow I believe. Since you upgraded your pump is the flow stronger there than it was?

Other than that ?

