Sure thing...
"Kalk" or kalkwasser mix is simply calcium hydroxide in a powder form. You can buy it from any online marine aquarium store, and most LFS's carry it (although more expensive usually). Dosing is fairly simple, most mix it to max saturation (2 tsp per gallon dosing water...that's water going into the tank, mind you, not aquarium gallons...
) let the slurry settle, and then drip the clear liquid into the tank using a doser. As for dosers, it doesn't have to be anything fancy, I made mine out of a rubbermaid juice container (the kind with a screw on lid), some airline, a plastic airline nipple and a plastic t-valve. I start the drip in the morning before I go to work, when the pH of the tank is lowest, as the pH of saturated kalkwasser is around 12. I replace all evaporated water in my tank with kalkwasser, or about 1 gallon a day in my 55. Still, this does not keep up with my Ca/alk demand, it slowly falls, as does Mg. So I periodically use a magnesium suppliment, calcium chloride and baking soda to adjust these levels back to where they need to be. If you decide to use kalk, you'll just have to play with dosage and concentration to figure out how much your tank needs.