Down with FedEx!!

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My experience tells me NEVER order live stock when its snowing in Seattle.
Everyone knows the place shuts down when it snows. Just ask the people that spent 15 hours on the freeways trying to get home.
7:12am - Package arrives for delivery at Bothell Facility
7:16am - I call and tell them to ship the package and if I call back in time to have them hold it before it gets on the truck, to hold it.
7:19am - (Unknown to me)Package gets loaded onto truck for delivery
7:22am - I call to have them hold for pickup, to find out it is out for deliver, ok I'm fine with that.
7:24am - I call my brother to cancel him picking up package and floating the bags for me.
7:26am - (Unknown to me)Package is taken off of truck to hold for pickup
9:00am - Automated call to my cell telling me that the package is at the Bothell Facility for pickup.

So now I have nobody to pick it up since I had cancelled that, I am at work and unable to get to the package till later today, and now it sits in their facility. I called them and since being calm the previous times, and now extremly pissed off and am now yelling(people staring at me at work). I tell the lady that this package needs to go into a heater office until I can pick it up later today. She tells me I will make a note of it and they will get it at the facility sometime today. I tell her no, this isnt good enough, I need a damn guarantee that this is going into a heated room. So the lady calls up the facility and puts me on the line with a lady from there(they won't directly give you the number to call), and I tell her this needs to get done. She said its in a heated office but I will see when I pick up the package. I don't think I can count how many times that I told them this was a live delivery and they just blew me off. This has to be the worst customer service of all time. For a company like FedEx to be so unorganized, to where a cust. service representative doesnt get a message across to the facility, is beyond me. I will let everybody know what the outcome is. I'm hopeing for the best.
I honestly hate ordering anything live online because i don't get to see what i'm going to be getting. I like to pick it up from the LFS and know that it is coming straight home and will not be tossed around and beat up while in transit.
Starting to look like a water fountain discussion.

Fed X is HUGE and VERY automated. It is amazing that you actually got a human to find and take your "little ordinary box" off the truck. They did what you asked, but then your situation changed. Shipping anything live is a crap shoot, especially during a cold snap.

When it arrives or is picked up, the snails should be fine and the shrimp might surprise you and make it. If not, Reeftopia will take care of the order so no reason getting yourself all worked up (bad for your health.)
Very true Mike. I was only mad for a bit, didnt get myself too worked up. They just kept giving me the runaround so I had to get a little more aggressive :D
One of the problems is fedex still utilizes contract haulers. Meaning that certain routes are up for sale or owned by individuals not fedex. So having fedex does not necessarly mean a fedex emplyee is handling the dleivery. But that is another story.
Fed ex uses independant contractors for a lot of their drivers. These guys pay for their own trucks. Thats why they refuse to deliver stuff in the snow.
My snails were fine. I thought they were dead but they were all gone from the corner I dumped them in this morning. THey are very active today.

Not sure about the Scott's shrimp, I cant see them anywhere in the tank.
Brendan what was the final outcome of your bad experience with that delivery a couple of weeks ago?
They still have not gave me a response. It is being "processed"
I was at Ken's today and it seemed like all his were living. Mine I would say most of them. They are not very productive at all and just hang at the top of the glass not moving. I'm not quite sure that they are turbos even. What did you think Colleen?
Yeah I think they are the regular turbos. They are not the huge Mexican turbos though. I relooked this evening and i think there are 10 dead so far. Cannot find the shrimp. They are are just on the glass though like yours. Not very active... haven't made it far poor things. Not sure about Scott's bees.

I know it's very frustrating; but I think we can find stories with any carrier. Any time you have to deal with humans and then add bad weather it's not a good combo. I tried USPS overnight and had a tizzy with the mail man because he just put the sticky note/label on the door and never even rang the bell. SO I went down there and had a fit until they found the package. I lost a couple things in that order also.
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FedX is terrible. They have been late on the last 3 orders for the lamest excuses. I would never use them . I'm just glad it was dry goods.
I am alittle amazed about how different a company could be for different folks. I absolutely love fedex whenever I have a dry good order it arrives at 9 am now ups on the other hand will arrive somewhere between 5-7 pm which is no good for me because I am at work. so I get the little sticky thing on the door and have to go down there the next day. They both have sorting facilities about 5 minutes from my house but ups will never deliver on time they are always late and I hate waiting around all day long. Me personally all my livestock gets shipped by airlines it cost extra but I can usually get it the same day. If not first thing in the morning.

sorry for your experiances with fed ex. hope you get everything worked out!
LOL brenden!

as far as the fed ex goes, (i try not 2 use them) Ups is the way 2 go.

at least over be my my ups guy knows me personal and stuff (drank beer with the up's dude) He will uselly bring me what i need when ever i got something comeing..

one time he came to my house on a sunday with something for me
i also uselly give billy (my ups dude) a heads up when something is comeing my way....

useing tracking numbers and stuff i can tell when he will have it on his truck.
the day b4 i will say "billy your geting something for me tomarrrow"

on the other hand about the contracted fedex drivers..... thats what makes them suck.

any normal day with Ups Billy is here ither 2 times of the day. (830-9 oclock am) OR (430-6 oclock pm) And its billy every time. he know my first and last name, i know his first and last name. he knows where i live. i know where he lives.

FEDEX on the other hand.

diffrent driver every time. never the same time. always calling to ask how 2 get here.

one time i didnt put my number in a order, and fed ex couldnt find me. so what do they do... wait for me to call them to find out that they sent someone to deliver but he couldnt find the "location"

the tracking number said for 2 days "out for dilivery"

ive never orderd live stuff over the net but if i did it would sound like this

"billy i orderd live stuff for my fish tank, its comeing tomarrow i need it earlyer the better"

he would say something like this

"RIght o! johnny!"
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