dragon face pipefish

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Dave M.

New member
Nov 12, 2009
I am rather new to this hobby, and i need some advice.I have recently purchased an astablished 75 gal. aquarium. It is a Reef set up and this is what's in it. Live rock, 1 fox face, 2 clowns, 2 Cardinals, 1 pistol and a guardsman, 1 Fire shrimp, 1 Bouble tip anemone, 1 Galloxie, 1 clam, 1 Green bouble coral. What I want to do is get a Dragon face pipe fish. But I dont know how it would do in the tank! Anyone that can give me some good advice?
First off, Welcome to Reef Frontiers and welcome to a very fulfulling hobby!!! You've done the right thing by seeking advice BEFORE making a purchase that you'd probably regret.

Next, I'd STRONGLY recommend against you getting a Dragon Face. The problem is that they need loads of amphipods, copepods and Mysid shrimp to eat. They'll rarely accept prepared foods. Because of this, they're notoriously hard to feed and keep alive. Take your time to learn much more about them and to learn much more about this wonderful hobby. Once you've learned how to properly care for one, and what they require, then you can revisit the idea!!

Thanks, I guess I need to quit rushing things. I see them in other tanks, and wonder why they wouldnt live for me? I appreciate your advice and I will use it!!

Thanks, Dave M.
If you have friends with Dragon Faced Pipefish, glean knowledge and experience from them. One of the biggest things you'll need to be concerned about, after making sure you can adequately feed them, is tank mates. Stay far away from Lawnmower Blennies, which are known to kill them. We had a Lawnmower take out 2 Blue Striped Pipefish.
I keep a a green dragon face in my nano tank. He is happy and fat...he's also the only non-coral living thing besides a cleaner shrimp.
I would make sure your aquarium is swarming with pods, has been setup at least a year and has a refugium before I would consider getting dragonface pipefish. They only eat copepods and if there aren't enough, they'll die.

We have two in a 40 breeder that's been established approx. 2 years with a medium cpr refugium and 40 lbs of live rock. Before getting the pipefish I had to sell my clam and green bubble coral as they're not compatible. The clam could close on a pipefish killing it and the bubble coral can sting them and have them for dinner.

My first attempt adding a dragonface pipefish to a 125, my cleaner shrimp killed it right when I added it to the tank. The shrimp grabbed the pipefish and tore at it's mouth immediately. That pipefish died :(

On your list of inhabitants, these are not compatible with dragonface pipefish:
bubble tip anemone
Green bouble coral

In my experience, shrimp are unsafe too although mine was killed by a cleaner shrimp:
Fire shrimp

I have read not to mix clowns and dragonface pipefish, but I think the other fish on your list are safe.

I don't know about this coral as I don't have it.

You basically want to stay away from any corals that can sting, have long sweeper tentacles or can devour your pipefish.

Best of luck...
Brandy why would you say that a dragon face and a clam are not compatible? I have seen several tanks with both inhabiting. Just curious on your opinion.
Brandy why would you say that a dragon face and a clam are not compatible? I have seen several tanks with both inhabiting. Just curious on your opinion.

The clam could close on a pipefish and kill it. I was told not to mix them, so I get rid of my crocea before getting my dragonface pipefish.

Oops, this is Brandy. I didn't realize my husband was logged in.